
From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan


Malona, also called Malon[1] and Phaeton. Is a former planet in our star system that is now considered little more than the asteroid belt and has cause the formation of many theories and conspiracies.

It once orbited between Mars and Jupiter and was once a home for over 400,000,000 human beings who were the direct descendants of a genetically manipulated peoples that originated from the Sirius star system, long ago.

73,000 years ago the human beings on Malona fought each other in a war that ended with the planet's destruction.[2]

Religion was introduced to the Mars/Malona/Earth societies by the Sirian benefactors that liberated the genetically-manipulated peoples from Sirius.

The reasoning for the benefactors decision to introduce religion to the liberated ones, stemmed from the ancient thought that the liberated peoples would destroy themselves in annihilation. We are however still here despite the attempt. But our planet is awash with religious belief.

Even though they were afflicted by religion, the ancient genetically-manipulated peoples of Mars/Malona/Earth had a pyramid-building culture, and a space-travelling culture. This is more then we can conclude of them today however we can say that like us, they were probably afflicted by war themselves.

The spirit-forms that were transported from Sirius to Mars/Malona/Earth, plus any native Martian/Malonian spirit-forms (if there were any, its likely there would have been some) and the conglomeration of other Earth-native and ET spirit-forms currently reincarnating on the Earth, has an imprinting legacy on the Age of Aquarius and on the great Nokodemion-Henok mission, and that's because of BEAM and the Plejaren, and in the future, because of the new spiritual teaching people.

Its an ongoing battle between the Lyran and Sirian.

Malona in the Contact Reports

Mentioned by Semjase in the Contact Report 004.

"109. Man on Earth must get accustomed to the thought that his predecessors have forced all of mankind and Earth itself to the brink of ruin, and had to partially evacuate the planet in a wild escape.

110. It should also serve as a warning to him that thirst for power and barbarism are attributes that bring death.

111. A second race also had to experience this truth in your solar system.

112. In their unlimited hatred and unquenchable thirst for power, they destroyed themselves right down to the last man, and scarcely a creature survived the conflict.

113. They eliminated and destroyed their own planet with a huge explosion and nothing remained of it but the many thousands of asteroids, which today still circle your sun — as a reminder of the human beings’ deadly irrationality.

114. (These asteroids are) remnants of the once thriving planet "Malona", which was destroyed by its inhabitants in their barbarian thirst for power and irrationality."

Billy describes how Malona was destroyed in Contact Report 251.

"Malona, or rather Phaeton, was destroyed in fratricidal wars by its genetically-manipulated inhabitants who had originally come from the Sirius regions, and who blew up the planet by diverting parts of an ocean into the subterranean or underwater magma chambers of a gigantic volcano. The SOL System's Asteroid Belt contains fragments of this former planet, whose orbit was not where the Asteroid Belt is today but was located where Mars orbits the Sun today, and Mars at one time was located where the asteroid belt is today. This position reversal was caused by immense upheavals in which the Destroyer (planet) played an important role. The planetary locations of Mars, Earth and Malona/Phaeton, and solar systems on the other side of our galaxy, in the Milky Way, where the two yellow races settled down, were selected as effective hide-outs by these races' benefactors, who were the conspirators for the escape of the genetically-manipulated people."

Again in Contact Report 251, how the inhabitants of Malona constructed cities, pyramids, stations and other things.

"Upon leaving the Sirius regions, the other genetically-manipulated peoples found a way to the SOL System, where several thousands of rebellious genetically-manipulated people had previously been banished to a myriad of terrestrial locations as a punishment. These masses of diverse races found refuge on the planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton, respectively, where they constructed cities, pyramids, stations and other things."

Modern Planet V Hypothesis

While the term Phaeton originates from a fifth terrestrial planet hypothesis developed in the 16th and 17th century. In the 21st century, the term 'Planet V' emerged for the same or similar phenomena.[3]

Further Reading
