Talk:Life And Death Are Inherent To Each Other

From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan
Revision as of 20:25, 21 September 2009 by Barbarian216 (talk | contribs) (Living for Spiritual Evolution)
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Hawaiian 20:25, 21 September 2009 (UTC)Life in this material world is an opportunity for the living person to gather the much needed experiences, feelings, compassion and knowledge for his/her spirit to evolve/develop, along with the "interconnections" being establish by such attributes amongst the Conscious and Sub-conscious via the 6th and very seldom 7th senses....which in turn also "interconnects' with all the previous personalities of pass re-incarnations of that particular person.

Thus, as a living individual, each stands on a "podium" of sorts, the interface between the non-material and material realms of Creational energy, a balance between the positive and negative forces that shape how his/her world for the better or worst accordingly to Creational Laws...that also applies to those in other realms that have "interconnectivity" to these beings.

Therefore one should take the opportunity to fully enhance their life with attributes that promote Creational harmony/balance....then fear of Death is no longer an issue...for the it is then a much needed continue.