Science and Mathematics

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Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642), regarded as the father of modern science. See Nokodemion.

Mathematics follows a scientific discovery. Around Isaac Newton’s time (1643 - 1727), academics were discovering that math is a really good way of describing natural phenomena and natural-laws. So when we made a new scientific discovery, great efforts went into describing it mathematically.

Scientific discovery followed on from mathematics. In the 20th century this pattern reversed, where many scientific discoveries were instead predicted by mathematical models before they were actually found. Two notable examples; in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity with the behaviour of light, and in the Standard Model with the discovery of subatomic particles.

Billy Meier Science[1][2] and Billy Meier Mathematics[3] isn’t guideposted on the Billy Meier reading trail. Probably because it’s rightful place is somewhere in the far background of ‘the Billy Meier case’. It’s been put there because the numbers don’t matter to most folks and it’s not something for them to concern about. There are however some really interesting things which have been identified which a fair quantity of individuals around the globe have taken interest in and privately worked on it and discovered or solved something. The area of interest consists of all sorts of forms of things mentioned hither and thither in the various FIGU publications, Books, Contact Reports, and other related documents.

A chapter nearer the back of the Goblet of Truth deals with these areas.[citation needed]


Calculation for the circle number pi (original german)
Calculation for the circle number pi (English translation)

Traditionally: 3.141592653589793

Most mathematicians working on the pi = 3.144605511029691344[4] figure cite the importance of Phi in relation to pi, and often the height of the pyramid at least for math calculations is said to have been √(Phi,) or Phi in the Kepler triangle. It all suggests that Phi or √Phi is key to space, time, energy, light, and hyperspace travel and time travel research and utilization for our future sciences.

The Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes came up with an ingenious method for calculating an approximation of Pi (π). Archimedes began by inscribing a regular hexagon inside a circle and then circumscribing another regular hexagon outside the same circle. He was then able to calculate the exact circumferences and diameters of the hexagons and could therefore obtain a rough approximation of Pi (π) by dividing the circumference by the diameter.

Archimedes then found a way to double the number of sides of his hexagons. He could then find a more accurate approximation of Pi (π) by using polygons with more sides, which were closer to the circle. He did this four times until he was using 96 sided polygons. Archimedes calculated the circumference and diameter exactly and therefore could approximate Pi (π) to being between2237122371 and 227227. The fraction 227227 has remained as one of the most popular and memorable approximations of Pi (π) ever since. Around 600 years after Archimedes, the Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi used a similar method to inscribe a regular polygon with 12,288 sides. This produced an approximation of Pi (π) as 355113355113 which is correct to six decimal places. It was nearly 600 more years until a totally new method was devised that improved upon this approximation.

Why and how it is wrong: I submit the simple diagram below as a simple proof of the hopeless inaccuracy of this method for calculating pi.

We must note that the average between the two polygons, one inscribing and the other circumscribing the circle is not the arc ac of the circle but the sum of the two straight lines ab and bc. This is what is being misconstrued as pi. We can see that the error is the area between the straight lines ab and bc and the curves ab and bc. Now, it doesn’t matter how many polygons we make, we will never be closer to the correct value because although the area under the curve becomes increasingly smaller there are equally an increasing number of them perpetuating the error. Once we get to a 12,000 sided polygon the error may be almost imperceptible but we have 12,000 of those errors to add into the calculation.

It is evident that the lines ab and bc taken to approximate pi cut out a small section of the circle area, the section between the curve ab and straight line ab, and the same for bc. This means, and we can clearly see it, that the area assumed by the averaged polygons is too small. Pi must be larger than 3.1416. This simple explanation does not help me calculate the area under the curve or so how to therefore exactly quantify the pi error, but if the correct value is 3.1446055110 the error in pi is about 1/3,000.

Pi as 3.144605511029693144… is irrational, not transcendental. But the science that uses it will IMO become a transcendental science because it appears to relate to light, space, time, hyperspace travel, and time travel. It is difficult to imagine anything more scientifically transcendental, though of course, you are quite right mathematically speaking and so you are right to point that out.

Red Meteor calculation



A pyramidologist’s value for pi.

This figure of 1.52955347 does not fit in with either pi, Phi, √Phi, or even e. Pi is 3.144605511029693144…(or conventionally 3.14159…), Phi is 1.6180339887… which is about 8.8% off Billy’s 1.52955347…. √Phi is farther off at 1.27201964949… Furthermore, if Billy’s 1.52955347 is assumed to be a correct figure for √Phi then pi would = 2.615142313… which cannot be correct. If 1.52955347… is assumed to be Phi then pi would = 3.23428033011… which again cannot be correct.

Pi = 4 / sqrt Phi = 3.144605511

Square root of the square root of Phi = 1.272019649514069 source

Square root of the square root of Phi = 1.127838485561682 source

Golden Ratio


There is something significant on a universal level to do with time, light, energy, space travel, hyperspace travel, and time travel with this numerical indicator of the original height of the Great Pyramid: 152955347.

Pyramids of Giza

152.955347 metres
Traditionally: 280 Egyptian Royal cubits tall (146.5 metres (480.6 ft), but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion, its present height is 138.8 metres (455.4 ft). Each base side was 440 cubits, 230.4 metres (755.9 ft) long.

I.e 13 acres in north east Africa.

In Billy’s discussion with Ptaah on Guido’s work (Contact Report 246, Contact Report 248, Contact Report 251, and Contact Report 260) he noted that the original height of the Great Giza Pyramid was 152.955347 metres.

Astronomical units

Earth 1.0 au - 152,955,347 km (It varies from 147 million km to 152 million km)
Mars 1.52 au - 228 million km (141.67 million miles)

In Billy’s discussion with Ptaah on Guido’s work (CRs 246, 248, 251, and 260) he noted that the original height of the Great Giza Pyramid was 152.955347 meters.

Billy says that this same figure in kilometers is also the correct AU or astronomical unit that measures the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (and that our scientists have this slightly incorrect at 149,597,871 km.

It is perhaps also significant to note that Mars is 1.52 au from the sun, while we are one au from the sun which again measures 152,955,347 km (as an average distance).

Speed of light

152955347 x 280 x 7 = 299792.48012 km/sec

Can a mathematician reading this shed some light (sorry about the possible pun) on this enigmatic number.

In Billy’s discussion with Ptaah on Guido’s work (CRs 246, 248, 251, and 260) he noted that the original height of the Great Giza Pyramid was 152.955347 meters.

He States this number also relates directly to the speed of light which = 152955347 x 280 (the final completed number of elements in the periodic table) x 7. Which equals 299792.48012 km/sec. (See Figu bulletin #077 Sep 2017, p7-10.)

Speed of sound

Speed of telepathy

Speed of spirit-telepathy

Quantity of elements in the periodic table

Traditionally: 118

It’s a creative natural law that not all elements naturally occur in any one star system.[citation needed] Answered during a questions answered by Billy on the FIGU forum.

Another factor is that we have not discovered some, and that half of them exist exclusively in fine material.[citation needed] We have not discovered that pure material, technically, but pretty much know it’s there don’t we.

In Billy’s discussion with Ptaah on Guido’s work (CRs 246, 248, 251, and 260) he noted that the original height of the Great Giza Pyramid was 152.955347 meters.

He States this number also relates directly to the speed of light which = 152955347 x 280 (the final completed number of elements in the periodic table) x 7. Which equals 299792.48012 km/sec, the speed of light. (See Figu bulletin #077 Sep 2017, p7-10.)


1.52 + 0.00955347

In Billy’s discussion with Ptaah on Guido’s work (CRs 246, 248, 251, and 260) he noted that the original height of the Great Giza Pyramid was 152.955347 meters.

We, those familiar with Billy’s work, will immediately notice that this is also the time it takes under normal / natural conditions to reincarnate, i.e. 1.52 (plus 0.00955347?) x the lifetime lived (quantity of time between birth and death).

Time in the beyond and other worldly area.

Hyperspace safe distances

153 million km
152.955347 million km

Contact Report 004

62. The light-emission drive serves as normal propulsion and has the function of propelling the beamship onto planets or within their vicinity, up to the 153 million kilometre distance – the safe distance, that is.

63. Then the tachyon drive, among others, is activated when greater distances need to be traversed.

64. This is one of the hyperdrives which are capable of conquering hyperspace and space and time.

65. We call both of these propulsion systems by other names, but the meaning is the same.

66. We have a different language than people on Earth, and for this reason I need to explain it to you in terms you can understand.

In Contact Report 004 Semjase tells Billy that in their space travels, in order to use tachyon drive to enter hyperspace they must be at a distance of 153 million km from the nearest planet. In order to avoid it, and / or other material being dragged along as ejecta into hyperspace with them. Which would potentially cause great harm, as those accompanying objects are ejected out into space as they leave hyperspace at the other end of the journey.

The Destroyer Planet i.e. the Great Comet of 1680, C/1680 V1, Kirch's Comet, Newton's Comet, and the first comet discovered by telescope, see Contact Report 150, Contact Report 238 and Contact Report 251. Is described as being an example of this type of ejecta, material, objects ejected, catapulted out of orbit etc. caused by leaving hyperspace at the end of the journey.[citation needed] Additionally a description that this type of wandering body represents the preliminary rungs of scientific learning, experimentation and development, of a previous team of scientists, at a previous time in history, who were needless to say representing a civilization.[citation needed] The consequences are devastating, but the rewards allow a civilization to traverse the vast distances of space in a time-frame which is equitable.

It is probably safe to ponder that the actual safe distance is 152.955347 million km which is rounded to 153 million km giving a safety factor of around 4.5%. It would be potentially risky to jump right on the razor’s edge as it were at 152.955347 million km.

Engineers always use safety factors in their designs.

Dark Matter

Law of the Sevenfold

Quantity of fundamental forces

Radiation bands and the divisions

Consciousness based beings

Stages of life

Rates, durations and quantities

Birth and death calculations

Bodily material ageing rates

Consciousness, spiritual and impulse release, growth and development rates

Planetary bodies

Atmosphere boundary distances

Stratosphere etc see Planets

Ocean boundary distances

Planet internal boundary distances

Distances inside star systems and outermost regions

Oort cloud

Distances and frequency of planet-planets and sub-systems


Distances between star systems

Distances between galaxies

Gravity, rate of passage of time and months in a planets year

Astrology based calculations

Quantity of dimensions

Frequency of human life between dimensions


Mathematics of fine-material Ghosts, spirits and the creative-natural-laws which govern them.

Quadrature of the circle

Explaining the causes of the quadrature of the circle.

First regarding the creation of a circle and a square with equal perimeters meaning the circumference of the circle is equal in measure to the perimeter of the square, the width of the square must be equal to 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference resulting in the perimeter of the square being the same measure as the circumference of the circle. For example if the circumference of the circle is 8 then the edge of the square with a perimeter that is equal to a circle with a circumference of 8 must be 2. Also if the square and circle share the same centre and the circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square then the radius of the circle must be the longer measure of a 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle while half the central width of the square must be the shorter measure of a 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle. If a circle and square are created with the perimeter of the square being the same measure as the circumference of the circle and the circle and square do NOT share the same centre then the diameter of the circle CAN be the longer measure of a 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle while the edge of the square CAN be the shorter measure of a 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle but this is NOT compulsory.

In another example the edge of the square is the longer measure of a 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle while the shorter measure of the 1.272019649514069 ratio rectangle is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the real value of Pi = 3.144605511029693.

Second regarding the creation of a circle and a square with equal areas the radius of the circle must be the longer measure of a 1.127838485561682 ratio rectangle while half the central width of the square must the shorter measure of a 1.127838485561682 ratio rectangle if the circle and square share the same centre. If the circle and square do NOT share the same centre and the circle and square have the same surface area then the diameter of the circle CAN be the longer measure of 1.127838485561682 ratio rectangle while the edge of the square CAN be the shorter measure of a 1.12783848556 ratio rectangle but this is NOT compulsory.

The relationship between the circle and the square having the same perimeter or the same area is a result of 2 ratios that are related to the Golden ratio of cosine (36) multiplied by 2 = 1.618033988749895 being used and those 2 ratios again are:

The square root of the Golden ratio also called the Golden root = 1.272019649514069. The Golden root 1.272019649514069 is the result of either the diameter of a circle being divided by 1 quarter of a circle’s circumference or the radius of a circle being divided by one 8th of a circle’s circumference. The square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 also applies to the perimeter of a square divided by the circumference of a circle with a diameter equal to the width of the square. The square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 also applies to the surface area of a square divided by the surface area of a circle with a diameter equal to the width of the square. The square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 also applies to the surface area of a square divided by the surface area of a circle with a circumference equal in measure to the perimeter of the square. The second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle divided by the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is the square root of the Golden ratio also called the Golden root = 1.272019649514069. The hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069.The square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 can also be gained if the surface area of circle is multiplied by 16 and then the result of the surface area of a circle being multiplied by 16 is then divided by the circumference of the circle squared. If the measure for the diameter of a circle is multiplied by 4 and the result of multiplying the measure of a circle’s diameter by 4 is divided by the measure for the circumference of a circle the result is also the square root of the Golden ratio also called the Golden root = 1.272019649514069. 4 divided by Golden Pi = 3.144605511029693 = the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069.The square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 also applies to the calculation of the surface area of a circle when the surface area of a square with a width that is equal to 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference is multiplied by the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069. If the surface area of a circle is multiplied by the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 the result is the square root for the diameter of the circle.

The square root of the Golden root = 1.127838485561682. The square root of the Golden root 1.127838485561682 can be gained if the diameter of a circle that has the same surface area as a square is divided by the width of the square that has the same surface area as the circle. The square root of the Golden root 1.127838485561682 can also be gained if the radius of a circle that has the same surface area as a square is divided by half the width of the square that has the same surface area as the circle. The square root of the Golden root 1.127838485561682 can also be gained if a circle and a square with the same surface area are created and the perimeter of the square is divided by the circumference of the circle. The second longest edge length of a Illumien right triangle divided by the shortest edge length of a Illumien right triangle is the ratio The square root of the Golden root = 1.127838485561682.If a circle and a square are created with equal areas of measure and the width of the square of the square is divided by the ratio 1.127838485561682 the result is equal to 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference that has the same surface area as the square and if 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference is multiplied by the ratio 1.272019649514069 the result is the measure for the diameter of the circle . If the width of the square is multiplied by the ratio 1.127838485561682 the result is the measure for the diameter of the circle with the same surface area as the square.

If a circle and a square are created with equal areas of measure and half the width of the square of the square is divided by the ratio 1.127838485561682 the result is equal to 1 eighth of the circle’s circumference that has the same surface area as the square and if 1 eighth of the circle’s circumference is multiplied by the ratio 1.272019649514069 the result is the measure for the radius of the circle. If half the width of the square is multiplied by the ratio 1.127838485561682 the result is the measure for the radius of the circle with the same surface area as the square.

If a circle and a square have been created with the circumference of the circle being equal in measure to the perimeter of the square and the desire is to gain the measure for the radius or the diameter of a circle that has the same surface area to the already existing square that already has a circle with a circumference that is equal to the perimeter of the square a solution is to divide the radius or the diameter of the circle that has a circumference equal to the perimeter of the square by the square root of the square root of Phi = 1.127838485561682 resulting in the measure for the radius or diameter of the circle that has the same surface area to the already existing square that has a perimeter that is equal in measure to the circumference of the already existing circle.

Alternatively If a circle and a square have been created with the circumference of the circle being equal in measure to the perimeter of the square and the desire is to gain the measure for the edge of a square that has the same surface area as the already existing circle that has a circumference equal in measure to the perimeter of the already existing square a solution is to divide the radius or the diameter of the circle that has a circumference equal to the perimeter of the already existing square by the square root of the square root of Phi = 1.127838485561682 resulting in the measure for half the edge of the square or the edge of the square that has the same surface area as the already existing circle that has a circumference that is equal in measure to the perimeter of the already existing square. 2 divided by the square root of Golden Pi = 1.773303558624324 = 1.127838485561682.

Please remember that the ratio 1.127838485561682 is the square root of the ratio 1.272019649514069 and the ratio 1.272019649514069 is the square root of the Golden ratio of Cosine (36) multiplied by 2 = 1.618033988749895.

Geistwissenschaft, Geistnaturwissenschaft and Geistlehre

List of -ologies

Extraterrestrial Mathematics

The page deals with terrestrial mathematical terms, with corresponding terrestrial masses, weights, values, and units, etc. with the exception of the extraterrestrial mathematics section.

Introduction with excerpt from Contact Report 248.

English German
248th Contact – Thursday, February 3, 1994, 5:04 PM (Block 7, pages 223-271) Contact 248 in German (Part 1) Zweihundertachtundvierzigster Kontakt Donnerstag, 3. Februar 1994, 17.04 Uhr
Billy: Billy:
Mathematics, as it is used by the Earth people, does this have universal validity? Die Mathematik, wie sie von den Erdenmenschen gebraucht wird, hat diese gesamtuniverselle Gültigkeit?
Ptaah: Ptaah:
76. No, not in any way, because the most diverse civilizations on other worlds have a variety of mathematical forms, which have no similarity or relationship with the terrestrial form. 76. Nein, in keiner Weise, denn die verschiedensten Zivilisationen auf anderen Welten weisen auch verschiedenste Mathematikformen auf, die mit der irdischen Form keinerlei Gleichheit oder Verwandtschaft aufweisen.
Billy: Billy:
How does it happen, then, that your measures are the same as ours or, at least, are similar to these? Wie kommt es dann, dass eure Masse den unseren gleich sind oder diesen zumindest gleichen?
Ptaah: Ptaah:
77. They aren’t. 77. Das tun sie nicht.
Billy: Billy:
But you always speak of the fact that certain things have certain sizes, respectively measures, which are consistent with our measures. This is also true for physical values as well as for units of all kinds, etc. Aber ihr sprecht doch immer davon, dass bestimmte Dinge bestimmte Grössen resp. Masse hätten, die mit unseren Massen konform gehen. Dies trifft jeweils auch zu für physikalische Werte sowie für Einheiten aller Art usw.
Ptaah: Ptaah:
78. When we gave you data on masses, weights, units, and values or mathematical forms, etc., these were, of course, always converted by us into terrestrial mathematical terms, as well as into corresponding terrestrial masses, weights, values, and units, etc. 78. Wenn wir dir Angaben über Masse, Gewichte, Einheiten und Werte oder mathematische Formen usw.? gegeben haben, dann wurden diese von uns selbstverständlich immer umgerechnet in irdische Mathematikbegriffe sowie in entsprechende irdische Masse, Gewichte, Werte und Einheiten usw.
Billy: Billy:
But seven meters are still seven meters, when I speak, for example, of your ships, and 3 times 3 is always 9. Aber sieben Meter sind doch sieben Meter, wenn ich z.B. von euren Schiffen spreche; und 3 mal 3 ergab immer 9.
Ptaah: Ptaah:
79. Certainly, but that is calculated and represented according to terrestrial mathematics. 79. Gewiss, das ist jedoch nach irdischer Mathematik berechnet und dargelegt.
80. With us, there is, for example, no measure that represents a meter, respectively 100 centimeters, but only one that measures roughly a meter, so namely 88.6 centimeters, according to the terrestrial term of measure. 80. Bei uns gibt es z.B. kein Mass, das einen Meter resp. 100 Zentimeter aufweist, sondern nur eines, das annähernd einen Meter misst, so nämlich 88,6 Zentimeter nach irdischem Massbegriff.
81. Our aircraft, which you have cited as an example, are eight times this measure, so a diameter of 708.8 centimeters arises, in accordance with the terrestrial term of measure. 81. Unsere Fluggeräte, die du als Beispiel genannt hast, entsprechen acht mal diesem Mass, so ein Durchmesser von 708,8 Zentimeter entsteht, gemäss irdischem Massbegriff.
82. This is about 7 meters, which is why we also speak of this measure. 82. Das sind rund gesehen 7 Meter, weshalb wir auch von diesem Mass sprechen.
83. With regard to mathematics, that 3 times 3 is 9, it is to be said, of course, that the result is right and is also consistent with our mathematics, but the form of our mathematics is fundamentally different to the terrestrial one. 83. In bezug auf die Mathematik, dass 3 mal 3 die Summe 9 ergibt, ist zu sagen, dass das Resultat natürlich stimmt und auch mit unserer Mathematik einheitlich ist, doch die Form unserer Mathematik ist grundverschieden zur irdischen.
Billy: Billy:
To explain this would probably be somewhat complicated, right? Wohl etwas kompliziert zu erklären, oder?
Ptaah: Ptaah:
84. A detailed explanation would take too long. 84. Eine genaue Erklärung würde zu weit führen.
Billy: Billy:
Then just don’t – it probably isn’t so important. In terms of physics, however, it must be supposed that your formulas also correspond to ours? Dann eben nicht - ist ja sicher auch nicht wichtig. Im Bezug auf die Physik ist aber wohl anzunehmen, dass eure Formeln auch den unseren entsprechen?
Ptaah: Ptaah:
85. Like with the mathematical formulas, the physics formulas also differ. 85. Wie die Mathematikformeln selbst, sind auch die Physikformeln verschieden.
86. But once they are converted, they yield the same values because universally, the mathematical and physical laws, etc. are uniform in their basic value and final value and, therefore, are one and the same, just with the difference that the various races, civilizations, and humanities of the various worlds throughout the vastness of the Universe call other forms of mathematics and other terms, etc. their own; consequently, they also have other methods of calculation than what are common among the Earth people. 86. Umgerechnet jedoch ergeben sie die gleichen Werte, denn gesamtuniversell sind die mathematischen und physikalischen Gesetze usw. in ihrem Grund- und Endwert einheitlich und also ein und dieselben, einfach mit dem Unterschied, dass die verschiedensten Rassen, Zivilisationen und Menschheiten der verschiedensten Welten in den Weiten des Universums andere Mathematikformen und andere Begriffe usw. ihr eigen nennen, folglich sie auch andere Berechnungsweisen haben, als diese beim Erdenmenschen üblich sind.
87. Nevertheless, in mathematics, the basic value and final value yield the same results. 87. Im mathematischen Grund- und Endwert jedoch entstehen dieselben Resultate.
Billy: Billy:
So if the different forms are put together and brought to a common denominator, in the way that they represent standard terms of values, for example, then mathematics is uniform throughout the whole Universe? Werden also die verschiedensten Formen zusammengetan und auf einen Nenner gebracht in der Art und Weise, dass sie einheitliche Begriffswerte aufweisen, dann ist z.B. die Mathematik im gesamten Universum einheitlich?
Ptaah: Ptaah:
88. That’s right, because the overall universal laws and regularities, etc. are uniform. 88. Das ist richtig, denn die gesamten universellen Gesetze und Gesetzmässigkeiten usw. sind einheitlich.
89. A difference only arises in the various forms of terms of the individual values, as a result of the comprehension and judgment of the various human life forms of the various worlds. 89. Eine Differenz ergibt sich nur in den verschiedenen Begriffsformen der einzelnen Werte durch das Begriffsvermögen und die Beurteilung der verschiedensten menschlichen Lebensformen der verschiedensten Welten.
Billy: Billy:
All is clear, thanks. So the conclusion is that although mathematics does have a uniform universal validity and forms a fixed unit with the same terms of values, the man-made forms of mathematics are still fundamentally different from one another throughout the whole Universe. Alles klar, danke. Das Fazit ist also, dass die Mathematik zwar eine einheitliche universelle Gültigkeit hat und eine feststehende Einheit mit gleichlautendem Wert bildet, dass jedoch die von Menschen geschaffenen Mathematikformen grundverschieden voneinander sind im gesamtuniversellen Räume.
Ptaah: Ptaah:
90. Right. 90. Richtig.[5]

Further Reading


  1. Science - The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
    A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
    Etymology: Middle English (denoting knowledge): from Old French, from Latin scientia, from scire ‘know’.
    German: Wissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft, Lehre.
  2. Physics - The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
    The physical properties and phenomena of something.
    Etymology: late 15th century (denoting natural science in general, especially the Aristotelian system): plural of obsolete physic, physical (thing’), suggested by Latin physica, Greek phusika ‘natural things’ from phusis ‘nature’.
    German: Physik.
  3. Mathematics - The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics).
    The mathematical aspects of something.
    Etymology: late 16th century: plural of obsolete mathematic ‘mathematics’, from Old French mathematique, from Latin (ars) mathematica ‘mathematical (art)’, from Greek mathēmatikē (tekhnē), from the base of manthanein ‘learn’.
  4. Harry Lear:
  5. Contact Report 248