
From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan
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Terminology from the Genesis book.


"Ur" is a German prefix signifying: most ancient, primeval, earliest, initial

There seems to be some confusion over what Flame means, and the Genesis book doesnt appear to offer a definition, please add the definition here when you find it.

Further Reading

Special terms from the Genesis_(the_book) and other publications.

* Primordial Ur-Flame * Universal-BEING * Spirit-Levels
* Primordial Ur-Time * Universal-Law * Material-Levels
* Primordial Ur-Creation * Universal-Gemüt * Galaxies-systems
* Ur-Flame * Universal-Love * Galaxies-super-systems
* Ur-Time * Universal-Force * Galaxies-hyper-systems
* Ur-Creation * Universal-Time * Galaxies-agglomerations
* Ur-Idea * Universal-Creation * Spirit-Form
* Ur-Universes * BEING-Absolutum * Spirit-Energy-Form
* Ur-Perfection * SOHAR-Absolutum * Spirit-energy-flakes
* Invisible Garment * Super-Absolutum * Hyper-BEING
* All-great-timenessallgrosszeitlichen * Creation-Absolutum * evolutionary-oriented
* Non-all-great-timeness - nichtallgrosszeitlichen * Central-Absolutum * evolutionizing
* Seven-great-timenesssiebengrosszeitlichen * Ur-Absolutum * Odem (Breath)
* Central-Creation-Form * Absolutes Absolutum * Odem-Hull (Breath-Shell)
* 280 Elements * Absoluten Absolutum * Wheel Of The Endless

