A few years ago, I came across some information about some supposed pyramidal like structures termed "The Bosnian Pyramids", which claims to be the largest pyramid ever built. It was discovered near the town of Visoko, Bosnia northwest of Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a man named Senir Osmanagic. He claims that it was possibly built between 12,000 - 500 B.C., built by ancient Illyrian inhabitants of the Balkans. He calls the 'Great Pyramid', "The Pyramid of the Sun" which is called Viscocia Hill locally, claiming it to be "The Mother of all Pyramids". he also claims it to possibly be 220 meters high which would make the pyramid one third taller than The Great Pyramid of Giza. Semir also claims to have found evidence at this site of a paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar, which he claims once covered the structure. He has also claimed to have found other pyramidal like structures nearby, calling one of them "The Pyramid of the Moon". He seems to also have evidence of heiroglypics and stone molds of hand tools contained within the Great Pyramid. He has also supposedly discovered great stone balls, some several feet in diameter, near this Great Pyramid. If anyone can clarify this information please post your comment here or contact me at: [email protected]
A few years ago, I came across some information about some supposed pyramidal like structures termed "The Bosnian Pyramids", which claims to be the largest pyramid ever built. It was discovered near the town of Visoko, Bosnia northwest of Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a man named Senir Osmanagic. He claims that it was possibly built between 12,000 - 500 B.C., built by ancient Illyrian inhabitants of the Balkans. He calls the 'Great Pyramid', "The Pyramid of the Sun" which is called Viscocia Hill locally, claiming it to be "The Mother of all Pyramids". he also claims it to possibly be 220 meters high which would make the pyramid one third taller than The Great Pyramid of Giza. Semir also claims to have found evidence at this site of a paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar, which he claims once covered the structure. He has also claimed to have found other pyramidal like structures nearby, calling one of them "The Pyramid of the Moon". He seems to also have evidence of heiroglypics and stone molds of hand tools contained within the Great Pyramid. He has also supposedly discovered great stone balls, some several feet in diameter, near this Great Pyramid. If anyone can clarify this information please post your comment here or contact me at: [email protected]
--Acriasis 15:46, 7 September 2012 (BST)