
From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Lists of content about and associated with overpopulation.


Overpopulation is an uncomfortable subject. It occurs when a species population exceeds the normal carrying capacity of the ecological niche. Planets with a 13 thousands kilometre diameter have around a 500 million individual human being carrying capacity. [continue reading]

List of Articles related to Overpopulation

An Extensive and Threatening Topic Nobody Dares to Address

Growth charts and data arrangements

The academics said the findings were a "huge surprise", unsurprisingly.

Various presentations of different kinds of information

List of Contact Reports related to Overpopulation

Sample: "that on that or on a planet of the Centaurus groups, a people lives in overpopulation, which comprises about 120 billion, so these,..."
Sample: "planet disposes the normal population-size and does not become subject to overpopulation...."
Sample: "From this, it follows that with the number of the overpopulation - containing not determined as well as irresponsibly produced descendants - ...other 2 points, i.e. 2 years. But for every decrease of 500 million in the overpopulation, seen from today's 4.3 billion figure,..."
Sample: "at their present habitat is becoming dangerous for them and that simply an overpopulation of their kind is taking place, then there arises in them the ..."
Sample: "birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow..."
Sample: "sorts of disaster. And since there are more and more people as a result of overpopulation, more and more people are also hit by lightning, which usually has deadly c..."
Sample: "had to emigrate as a consequence of overpopulation."
Sample: "The inevitable happened as a result of the fault of the overpopulation of Earth humans, because, through their spreading out, they destroyed t..."
Sample: "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation"
Sample: "and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation."
Sample: "increasingly generate more epidemics and diseases to combat the escalating overpopulation? Isn't it true that the excessive proliferation by human beings makes..."
Sample: "his excessive procreation of offspring. Such behaviour has led to overpopulation, every type of ensuing ill and religious-sectarian insanity..."
Sample: "Further to name is the worldwide unemployment, the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the apathy of the humans to one another, the ever faster disappearing o..."
Sample: "and negative consequences of overpopulation thus the vitality of a rigorous birth control. ...retaliation, jealousy, war, and destruction would gradually disappear, and overpopulation and environmental degradation, along with many other ills,..."
Sample: "useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... ...misery, and so forth, is clearly identifiable with the incessantly growing overpopulation."
Sample: "reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of C ...olutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regul..."
Sample: "catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the cli ...oncerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is t..."
Sample: "which as a result only could have occurred if the rapidly increasing overpopulation would have been stemmed and prevented. Only in this way would it still have ... etc., the blame for the total climate disaster, but not the mass of human overpopulation and its degenerations and criminal machinations against the planet ..."
Sample: "refugees, economic refugees and criminals. Of course, that the overpopulation plays an essential role with the entirety of the immigrants..."
Sample: "They also talk further about overpopulation and its manifold deadly effects infringement into every concern. ...egard to the malicious consequences that will originate from the worldwide overpopulation, which idiotically and irresponsibly is continuing to breed and always ...."
Sample: "the link between overpopulation and climate change, the specifics of the Earth humans exclusivity to holder ...rth, namely in reference to their irresponsible perspective of breeding to overpopulation with all its arising machinations regarding the global destruction of natur..."
Sample: "powers who are criminals against humanity, (in which) criminality and overpopulation know no more bounds, (in which) nature and the climate are destroyed throug ..., for robbery, rape, the destruction of families, terrorism, prostitution, overpopulation, the destruction of the environment, destruction of the climate.."
Sample: "preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation;"
Sample: Elisabeth Moosbrugger -- Overpopulation
Sample: "are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet A Crusade Against Overpopulation. this also with FIGU's Overpopulation brochure #4, pages 13-21 -- at this time it is..."
Sample: "breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby..."
Sample: warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialization."
Sample: "In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires since the terrestrial population, in a mad breeding spree, created this overpopulation..."
Sample: "And the origin of everything is overpopulation, which, however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities..."

Further associated reading

Sample: "Fundamentally, god is an invention of the human being, respectively, of the human brain, whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in a form of schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Religious experiences which arise thereby constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief."
Sample: Arahat Athersata and the Plejaren repeatedly advise us in particular about our out-of-control overpopulation problem and, as of 1975, recommended a strict, humane plan of world-wide birth control (which we arrogantly and self-destructively ignored, and continue to ignore. Countries like Australia even promote the growth of our population for economic reasons even as our water and other resources are increasingly reduced and contaminated!)."
Sample: "and in the end an oxygen and atmospheric collapse occurred. Only 116 million were able to be rescued and resettled on other worlds by the Plejaren."
Sample: "Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half, because of overpopulation. ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner."
Sample: "The resulting effect of overpopulation on reincarnation. It causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately."
Sample: "We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained."
Sample: "His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favour."
Sample: "unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain ..."
Sample: "on July 17, 1975 during my great journey, in fact already is to have threatened an approximately Earth sized planet named Akart through overpopulation stupidity, because in 1975 already 23 billion human beings lived there. To my knowledge the inhabitants of Akart belong to your federation, as well as others from other regions there. Also Kohun and Athar."

Opinion survey

FIGU Switzerlands online survey on the theme of overpopulation.

It is designed to gage public opinion on the matters associated with overpopulation. There are 25 questions with selection choices of "yes" or "no" ("ja" oder "nein").

The questions (statements) are:

1. The population growth and/or overpopulation (around 100 million human beings more per year) is the fundamental problem of all other great problems on the earth. (Agree or Disagree)

2. The problem pertains only to the developing countries and/or the 'third world' inclusive China and India, etc. (Agree or Disagree)

3. Too many human beings also live in Europe. (Agree or Disagree)

4. The earth can bear problem-free many further thousand-million human beings. (Agree or Disagree)

5. If all food was fairly distributed, then the problem would be minimized for the earth. (Agree or Disagree)

6. The education of women in third-world-countries (especially in Africa) automatically leads to a lowering of birth-rates. (Agree or Disagree)

7. It is clear that always more human beings (and domestic animals) requires/uses up always more nourishment and resources, however it is not a problem, because the technical progress is already turning everything for the good. (Agree or Disagree)

8. The continuous increase of the terrestrial population and their behaviors contribute substantially to the climate change. (Agree or Disagree)

9. The close the cohabitation in towns, agglomerations and slums, etc., can have negative outcoming effects on the psyche and health, etc. ('density stress') as well as furthers egoism, indifference in relation to the fellow human beings and aggressions, etc. (Agree or Disagree)

10. The overfishing of the oceans, the excessive use of arable country and fresh water as well as the poisoning of soil and atmosphere, etc. with chemicals, exhaust gases and radiation, etc., hangs together with the continuous rising number of human beings (= consumer). (Agree or Disagree)

11. The refugee migration into the so-called industrialized countries is a genuine problem. (Agree or Disagree)

12. Worldwide the refugee-Wesen will continuously increase (because of wars, environment disasters, rising of the oceans, etc.). (Agree or Disagree)

13. The blending of the peoples and cultures on a large scale and in high number leads to problems in every case. (Agree or Disagree)

14. A reduction of the earth population is urgently necessary. (Agree or Disagree)

15. The single humane measure for the achievement of this culmination-point is a reduction of the birth rates and/or avoidance of procreation of offspring. (Agree or Disagree)

16. For human beings with the wish to have children, basic prerequisites must be given, as, e.g., upbringing-education ability, appropriate living situation, optimal and assured diet, stable income, etc. (Agree or Disagree)

17. The maximum number of descendants per woman may not exceed 3 children. (Agree or Disagree)

18. Every human being has an unconstrained right to procreate and/or bear one's own descendants, thus also alcoholics, addicts, felons, terrorists, etc. (Agree or Disagree)

19. The right of a child to capable, loving and healthy parents precedes the wish to have children on the part of adults. (Agree or Disagree)

20. Already children must be knowing and/or informed about the topics of pregnancy, birth, life, death and sorrow, etc. (Agree or Disagree)

21. Religious believers at the very least tendentiously further the population growth. (Agree or Disagree)

22. An 'International Peace-Fighting Troops' is supposed to be created, which provides in all countries for that, which eliminates dictatorships and prohibits parasitic systems of government, therewith the populations in the individual countries can build up a fair society, which includes, that the one's own population number becomes corresponding adapted. (Agree or Disagree)

23. Fundamentally every country is first and foremost responsible for the well-being of the one's own population, which is why the so-called development-assistance (foreign-aid) is supposed to solely be intended on self-help and self-competence (thus no famine relief is supposed to be included, which on a long-term basis the problems only expand). (Agree or Disagree)

24. The topic overpopulation is granted sufficient space in the politics, religions and in the media. (Agree or Disagree)

25. The topic overpopulation and in particular the therewith connected solutions are still a big taboo.

At the end of the survey there is an opportunity to leave a personal message about what you have to say about overpopulation, and voluntarily select if you are male or female and your age range if you would like to.

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • Treating the secondary malady: treating the secondary ailment is a bad habit that apparently humanity on the whole has gotten lost in unfortunately and in a great many subjects not only overpopulation. It's technically caused by cowardice and a lack of bravery, but it's mostly tied into political correctness. With overpopulation it politically means things like reducing annual industrial output of carbon dioxide by imposing tariffs on businesses to be seen to be combating the causes of climate change. [continue reading]

Overpopulation informal FAQ and Q&A

Q: We have a democracy, but we need a dictatorship?

A: No, we have a partial-democracy. But yes, we would need a global dictatorship if we are going to prevent a further overpopulation by stopping births worldwide for a duration until the numbers have fallen sufficiently. If we do not have a global dictatorship which stops then slows the rate down, and we allow it to continue, then eventually we'll have an all out desperation, mass death, war and blood bath near the end if there is a disaster as listed in the prophecies anyway, so anyone claiming we should avoid a global dictatorship to avoid that problem is not aware that a bigger problem than a dictatorship looms. There are all sorts of arguments put forward about why we shouldn't do anything, such as human rights for example, but all those rights are redundant if we walk into a big problem anyway, it's humane to manage the situation.

Q: How much value do trees add to a property?

A: Depends on the age and size of the tree, up to an additional hundreds of thousands. But that is not the problem, most are aware that the value of trees is like the value of classical music. The problem is the shear demand for wood and agricultural land due to overpopulation is leading to unprecedented deforestation all over the world.

Q: How desperate and delirious exactly?

A: We’re not sure, but we think it ranges from somewhere between thoroughly and beyond all recognition, because we can see they’ve already begun loading enormous debts onto children which have not even been born yet. We don’t know, and Billy may have referred to it as greed-might in a document once, if it interests you research it some more and check.

Q: What about women on an overpopulated world?

A: Look, there are some problems that are too lengthy to solve in a timely manner. The Contact Reports indicate that apparently we’re Ageing reasonably quickly compared to normal, which has rapidly accelerated all of known and recorded history, super-charged progress and boosted the rate at which we solve problems and overcome obstacles etc. The planet has become overpopulated since about the 19th century i.e. very recently. The role of women traditionally has been to raise children and be the family etc., on an overpopulated planet that role has become redundant in a hundred years, however everything has changed very quickly if you look more closely at the situation. But yes, unfortunately there will be a thousand million purposeless women out there theoretically, between generations, with an unmanaged overpopulation situation going on. We also do not know of any relationship between women’s short boyish hair styles and these changes in society, we have not researched it much at all to be honest with you, all we really know are the key facts ‘overpopulation’ and ‘ageing’ rapidly, i.e. guaranteed premature death, we don’t know if it has recently affected the masculinity and femininity of the population as their traditional purposes have fallen away, society and economy has changed, and new traditions have been adopted etc. Research it some more if the subject interests you and check, but you are going to have to do so quickly if you want to know.

Q: With the way public finances are setup today, in 20 years, will it come to be that I am literally going to be working in support of excess redundant extra young persons and randomly swollen older generations?

A: Overpopulation has broken everything, so yes it might well be the case if the data is viewed a certain way. Not every kind of expansion based progress is indefinite is it, there is usually a reality flaw, human. But you will have to do the work and should continue the effort to do your duty and plow on with it and be brave because it is only by us all doing this and getting through that a problem with overpopulation will be observed by later day generations and a need for management will finally be recognised and accepted.
