Andromedan High Council

From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan

Also known as the Supreme Council or High Council.

A group of highly evolved beings in pure spiritual form that reside in the galaxy of Andromeda.

The Andromedan High Council act as consultants to the Plejaren Federation who are under no obligation to follow such given advice if they so choose.

The Andromedan High Council have actually visited the SSSC several times. Below you can see several photo's of their ships.

Contact Reports related to the Supreme Council, High Council and Andromedan High Council

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Individuals of the Supreme Council are said to exhibit a fluctuating material state aesthetically. Which is explained as the transitional half spiritual, fluctuating, translucent and ungraspable mass condition between the solid graspable coarse-matter material form and the fine matter energy or fine matter material form.[1] The next evolutionary stage acquired by spiritual potency; Arahat Athersata level by comparison, as the first level in a purely fine matter higher form does not any longer require a course material form for evolution purposes.[2]

The High Council informs the Plejaren Federation with matters which are of worldwide significance on the Earth. Which the Plejaren Federation with instruction, conveys to Eduard by recommendation.[3]

The High Council occupied itself with the events of the year 1969, conversation of which would lead to very grave and world wide political effects were it to be published.[4] Although such levels of pertinacity only continue to exist in developing countries here and now in the 21st century, so conversation about these various matters is more available already.

Events of 1996 were also examined, the opinion of the High Council was that this event was a crime so human-unworthy that it should be publicly announced.[5]

With help from the High Council, Plejaren authoritative linguists received a very lengthy instruction in the coding of Billys writings for all of the languages common to Earth.[6]

The determinations set out 13,500 BP recognised that the High German language of the New Age must exist on Earth, which alone would offer perfect, all-expressive and all-explaining language possibilities. Translation into other languages including the language your currently reading this in, offer inadequate possibilities to properly convey the correct meanings. The English language for example has only a primitive means of understanding. The statement from the High Council and Arahat Athersata plane harmonized on this same opinion.[7]

The High Council failed to give the Plejaran permission to offset the wandering meteors course any more than they already have and to refrain from obliterating it completely.[8]

According to the explanations given by the High Council, ultimately, those who commit false actions will be excluded from Plejaren impulsation vibrations in the future, so they will be released to the harmful vibrations of the naturally occurring Earth environment and therefore to the course of their own self-engendered fate. It will so occur with the fallible autodidactic individuals, such as is being creative natural lawfully determined, that after the natural deaths of the fallible ones, their subsequent lives will any longer be given to the area of knowledge and to fast-paced evolution; instead, they will arise in primitive people, who are still ignorant of the knowledge of spirit and who still count as primitive people among the people of this world. As a result of being released from the Plejarens positive impulse vibrations, this will mean serious harm for them and their material bodies in that future life, they will be susceptible to health hazards common amongst Earths more primitive peoples, leading to serious problems and to an uneasy life. Furthermore it will impact on personal relationships, referring to other people intimately, who will also subsequently lose the Plejarens protection and will therefore mutually find a life filled with many unnecessary afflictions. Self-directed learning fallible individuals reflecting for the love of the truth in subsequent lives could theoretically be newly integrated into a community that is aware of the processes at play in the study of evolution, much like the present group, through which a few truth-thinking individuals are led and through which progress is owned by them, though in a much more painstaking way, by which process means a certain part of the Plejarens goal can still be achieved, all necessary values later following, developing and flourishing through the vigorous efforts stemming from these agreements.[9]

The High Council grasps the essence of an important time immemorial matter regarding the difficulties maintaining objective unity faced by the Plejaren in their position of neutrality toward all group members. It has often been rather difficult for the Plejaren to behave neutrally toward these Earth people for various reasons. In some of them there is a strong feeling of coldness that permanently prevails against the Plejaren. Nevertheless with the Plejaren the same loving thoughts and feelings of sensitivity prevail toward these group members, which often gave them difficulties with their decisions. At the beginning of their relationship with Billy things were different because they were perhaps too focused on pure logic and thus strongly neglected their feelings, but as a result of BEAMs teaching, they were brought into recognition that without these feelings, everything would be different, incorrect, and too strict. In accordance with BEAMs instruction, all of the Plejaren people involved with Earth changed their relevant actions and conduct, and since that time, a lot has changed to their advantage. But they also had to recognize from these incidents that when a certain freedom of feelings is granted, many problems become larger, and from the resulting strong attachments to such freedoms of feelings, difficulties in terms of objectivity also appear, which are very often of a far-reaching nature and which can be inhibitive. That is the main reason why they, against all reason and in spite of the frequent, very detrimental faults of the wrongly conducting group members, were always willing to resume the communication with Billy and engage the mission, always with the hope that along the path of these false actions, insight would yet break through and that everything would take a turn toward the better and thus take a large step towards the greater goals of sustainable peace on Earth.[10]

However the High Council advised the Plejaren that they should withdraw themselves, in order to hand this task over to other powers.[11]

Images related to the Supreme Council, High Council and Andromedan High Council


Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • It was ultimately the farsighted institute, the High Council which finally granted BEAM the concession to release the information about the Project Apollo, Apollo Programme fakecraftsmanship-action-fraud.[13]
    Some individuals have raised concerns about BEAM releasing the specific details because it goes some way to condoning some combination of future act by another government or even for that matter a private organisation, seeing as they were able to make the transaction (world wide deception) beautifully successfully with absolutely no negative repercussions only positive ones in the form of gargantuan sums of tax free cash. To put the success into perspective most have gone past retirement now and died.
  • The Brookhaven Strategic Defence Initiative experiments which have traditionally been fanatical about gunning down a UFO, on the 17th of July 1996 targeted an unknown and fired a rocket-missile from the U.S. Navy. It erroneously positioned a passenger Boeing 747 with 230 on-board on its equipment as the unknown, it exploded over New York and fell into the sea, the incident later became known as 'TWA 800' and they did solve it some time later after piecing the aircraft back together.[14]
    The High Council decided the event was a crime so human-unworthy, that it should be publicly announced.[15]
  • The High Council explained that under the cloak of National Security the U.S Military as well as the U.S Secret Services and their Government have committed human-shameful crimes in various secret missions. That the world-wide public should be informed about it in order to denounce the whole human-unworthy machinations and in time to make them succumb. This however the Plejaren must not themselves and not publicly do as they may only give the necessary information through which it is then left up to the Earth persons to spread these in a useful form.[16]
