The Spiritual Teachings
From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan
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By Arahat Athersata
English | German |
1. The terrestrial human race is entering and witnessing a phase of very powerful cosmic change. It is a new era, a new age, which continually and distinctly becomes clearer to the eyes of observant, consciously more advanced human beings. | 1. Das irdische Menschengeschlecht ist in ein Stadium einer Zeugenschaft eines gewaltigen kosmischen Umbruches getreten; in ein neues Zeitalter, das sich vor den sehenden Augen denkender Menschen immer klarer und deutlicher abzeichnet. |
2. While most of mankind here on Earth lies in a deep abyss of ignorance and of consciousness' enslavement, it has become an urgent necessity, through thorough investigations, to find the causes of mankind's decline, and to demonstrate this to human beings in a correct, clear, and revealing message and lesson. | 2. Nichtsdestoweniger aber liegt das Gros dieser Menschheit im Abgrund der Unwissenheit und Bewusstseinversklavung, so es notwendig geworden ist, den Ursachen ihres Abstieges auf den Grund zu gehen und ihr dies in einer Botschaft darzutun. |
3. Simultaneously, it necessitates showing new ways, which would guide mankind toward a future of conscious comprehension and harmony. | 3. Gleichbedingt ist es aber auch erforderlich, neue Wege zu weisen, die in eine geistverstehende und bewusstsein- sowie geistharmonierende Zukunft führen. |
4. It is now time, therefore, for the Earthling to open his eyes and ears and detach his enslaved thoughts from false teachings, to free himself from traditional falsehoods and all evil, and to finally comprehend everything according to the truth." | 4. Der Erdenmensch öffne daher seine Augen und Ohren, er reisse seine versklavten Gedanken von allen Irrlehren, Unwahrheiten und von allen Übel; er öffne seine Bewusstseinsinne zur Erkennung der Wahrheit. |
About Arahat Athersata
ARAHAT ATHERSATA (Sanskit) which means: "The precious one who contemplates the times"
Excerpt from the inspired writing from a higher spiritform. Transmitted from a bodiless, immaterial and purely spiritual level.
Inspired receiver of the message: <BILLY> Eduard Albert Meier
Message received and written down from May 15th, 1975 until August 11th, 1975