Contact Report 544

From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan
This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.


  • Contact Reports volume: None yet
  • Page number(s): Unknown
  • Date/time of contact: Saturday, September 1st, 2012
  • Translator(s): Dyson Devine, Tasmania.
  • Date of translation: Wednesday, January 9th, 2013.
  • Contact persons: Ptaah


In this large contact report extract Billy and Ptaah discuss many subjects including:

  • The 7 major forces of nature of which only 4 are known to Earth scientists.
  • The risk of breakdown of the global ocean conveyor belt.
  • That the Sol star has a dark twin 1 light year away hence we live in a binary star system.
  • The dark twin's affects on the Oort Cloud.
  • What caused the Neanderthal humans to die out.
  • Actions of several presidents of the USA.
  • The behaviour of FIGU members.
  • The effects of consumed fats, oils and sugars on the human body.
  • The yeti/sasquatch/bigfoot.

Translation of Contact Report 544

Billy: When I was in the fourth grade of the Hans Frei primary school, it was in 1948, your father, Sfath, explained me that the overall universe consists of seven major forces of nature: on the one hand, the gravity, then the electromagnetism as well as the strong and weak nuclear force, and further the ...

Ptaah: Stop. You are not permitted to openly name the other three, as indeed my father already told you. These three other forces of nature are not yet known of by terrestrial physicists, and they are still not allowed to be informed about them, because premature knowledge would have severe consequences.

Billy: All right, excuse me, it remains withheld. It is certainly not in my interest to betray confided secrets, as I really only wanted to talk about the fact that there are not only the four natural forces known to the terrestrial physicists, rather also the remaining three which are still unknown, which exist as certain tiny and ultra-tiny particles, as related to the gravity, the electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear force. Also the dark energy and dark matter are included in the realm of particles, whereby certain of these particles, which are indeed energies with forces, are to be discovered in the foreseeable future, as you have said recently. Although it will still take a while, the success is to be understood, indeed according to your explanation, as a prediction. Additionally, I may well say, these – let us say, the normal or simple – elemental particles, in turn, contain, in sevenfold ways, still tinier particles, which, as I learnt from Sfath, can be designated as a kind of ultra-tiny, ultra-elemental particle, so to speak. Even when I note, with this statement, that a fundamental seven-fold chain of natural forces exists and that other particles exist among the known and unknown elemental particles and that only begins among that seven-series, whereby originally everything evolved from pure spirit energy - I thereby betray no secret, because all of that corresponds to the spiritual teaching, in which I indeed also mention these things openly. And since the terrestrial physicists, especially the particle physicists, lack the inner and fundamental knowledge about the actual spirit-energetic structure of these things, indeed, they cannot do anything anyway, with that of which I speak. There would surely already have to be exact statements and explanations in order for the physicists to get any use out of it. The physical knowledge in relation to the true and basic structure, and the exact interrelationships of the matter, still remain, among the physicists, indeed, in the material realm of matter, because they have currently still not become so smart that they would have arrived at the idea that the origin of all matter, all existence and the entire universe, is not at all easy to explain from the purely physical aspects outwardly. Also, the elemental particles, as such - in spite of their energetic tininess and inconspicuousness - are purely material and not immaterial, because the immaterial is of pure spirit-energetic nature, and that energy alone is absolutely the one and only origin of all things and all matter of any kind. And thereby, belonging to matter is everything which is solid material, liquid and gaseous, which can also be perceived by humans and measured in the most various ways and demonstrated, as your father explained to me according your physics. That which is fine matter, and finest matter, however, consists of pure spirit energy, and this is incomprehensible for the human being. And alone this spirit energy is the origin of all the existence of any of those things which human beings have captured, detected, measured and recorded in any manner, since, up to the present time is not yet possible, and will not even be possible for a long time into the future, to provide evidence for, and measure, the creational-natural spirit energy. But since those terrestrial physicists - who deal with the origin of life, and therefore with the solid, liquid and gaseous matter, and who, for that reason, attempt to explore everything in this regard - lack even the most minimal knowledge regarding the spirit energy from which the absolute origin of all of that which has emerged and is created, they are still very far from being able to research it and gain knowledge about the process of coming into material being from pure spiritual energy. Like displeased children poking at their food and not finding what tastes good to them, so the terrestrial physicists poke around in an area where they cannot find the real source of all things. Naturally, it is necessary with this related research, to identify the purely physical aspects of the matter and properly utilise the findings so as to do no harm with them, but if the real origin of all things wants to become recognised, then finally the recognition must mature that this lies in the spirit energy. However, this has nothing to do with that which is erroneously designated as “spirit” by the human beings of the Earth, which is meant, as such, to embody that which is the human consciousness. The spirit, that is to say, the spirit energy, is not the consciousness, because the spirit, or indeed the spirit energy, does not think and creates no “spiritual” property, because this is reserved for the material consciousness alone. Thus, in human beings - or other forms of life – also no “illness of the spirit”, and so forth, appears, rather only a clouding and illness of the consciousness, because the spirit, that is to say, the spirit form, that is to say, the spirit energy, is absolutely off limits and not capable of being influenced by anything such as diseases, and so forth, from the material realm.

Ptaah: Seen from this viewpoint, there are no objections to your statements. It seemed to me to be wrong to think that you wanted to speak openly, about that which you do, with respect to …

Billy: Excuse me. One can always err, whereby really nobody is excluded. But your admonition, that I betray nothing which could bring harm, is really quite appropriate, because it could well be that I prattle away. And I understand that - with the earthlings, especially among physicists of all kinds - too much knowledge would lead to catastrophic disaster if they could gain knowledge of certain things too early. But that which has resulted from the much too early insight, with respect to the atomic physics, proved, in a terrible quantity, that which premature findings cause, if they can be put into practice. Further, and even worse, disasters could happen if, with respect to the particle physics, premature findings are obtained and new and even more catastrophic weapons than the atomic bomb could be thereby fabricated. And as Sfath once explained to me, this should be absolutely possible in regard to the ultra-elemental particles, were they misused for the purposes of destruction. But perhaps it would be good if you could also contribute your part to all that I have said, but in a simple way, please, so that all interested human beings understand what you have to say.

Ptaah: I will do gladly that. Set out in a simple way of speaking, premature realisation could lead to serious consequences, as was also achieved with the premature findings of nuclear fission. Through these alone, in relation to the terrestrial humanity, already extremely malignant, dangerous, negative and catastrophic consequences move in, but also result in such enormous irreparable damage and destruction to the entire fauna, flora and climate which are extending into the present and future time. The catastrophic effects of untimely knowledge regarding physical laws, their values and opportunities, were and are used - through knowledge in relation to nuclear technology and its use in the form of nuclear bombs and weapons, and so forth - for mass extermination of human beings and their treacherous murder and for enormous destruction of human achievement through acts of war, and so forth, and to bring about death, disaster and destruction to the terrestrial humanity. Also to additionally note are the most serious consequences of nuclear power plants, which due to direct or indirect technical failure triggered by natural forces, which has contaminated and made uninhabitable very large areas for a very long time.

This is in addition to the irradiation of human beings and all kinds of animals, which has led to countless deaths, miscarriages and terrible mutations and which also continues to emerge. Since the terrestrial scientists, not only physicists, but scientists of all colours, are not aware of their real responsibility with regard to their research and findings - as has been proven over the last four thousand years - then every new scientific finding endangers the life of fauna and flora, as well as endangering the life of humanity, when it deals with every kind of new which can be used in any destructive and life-impairing way. On this preventative basis, not declared and not released to the human beings of Earth are at least our highly-advanced and very far-reaching technical, physical, medical, biological, chemical, astronomical, and so forth, very comprehensive knowledge, skills, practices, capabilities, possibilities and policy, and so forth, because, through their irresponsibility, they would wreak still very much greater calamities than they have done for thousands of years and continue to so do. In accordance with our directives, we cannot even describe our advanced and extensive medical knowledge and practice, because the knowledge which we possess of medical science would also be irresponsibly and mercilessly abused by the Earth humans, be it for the purpose of torture, espionage, or in the sense that certain tyrants and other powers would use them only for themselves alone. For example, to extend their lives for many decades and even centuries, and to rule over their peoples as merciless, unscrupulous, brutal, and in many ways degenerate, tyrants. So our directives prohibit us from revealing our knowledge to such still monstrously barbaric and irresponsible human beings, and unfortunately there are not only individual power-greedy, but the bulk of the Earth's humanity is degenerated in such a way that the higher knowledge in these areas is not permitted to be conveyed. In fact, in today's mass of more than eight billion Earth humans, only a minority is to be identified which is concerned with real humanity and actually being human. And, in relation to the perception, recognition and observance of the creative-natural laws and recommendations, it is only this minority that is also making conscious effort about the evolution of consciousness. The only way to help out in a general form is therefore only, that by way of impulses, we provide a certain help, regarding the development of righteousness of Earth humanity, so that they learn to perceive the creational-natural laws and recommendations, to make them their own, and they gradually implement them in a progressive manner. We are thus making an effort, in certain humanities, to teach unassuming persons by means of impulses of the universally-worded, creational-natural laws and recommendations, so that these persons can become instructively active among their peoples, however, without them having an inkling thereby that impulse-related teachings have entered them. On worlds where larger groups of the most distant descendants of the Nokodemion line exist, sages - if they have reached a certain level of consciousness-evolution – are introduced among the people, who then achieve the instruction through them. This is also so, in a similar manner, with respect to the Earth humans, whereby in this case, however, a direct line to the Nokodemion-prophethood exists, in that a greater number of ancient mission participants are assigned, which, indeed, I do not need to explain specifically to you.


Billy: ... but the over-population causes damage, and indeed ever more of it, because it is growing ceaselessly and is thereby in contact with all the trappings of evil which are generated from it, being the appearance of ever more natural disasters. In this regard, you told be privately last time that, by means of the climate change caused by humanity, the world’s oceans heat up quite enormously and thereby could break down the so-called global conveyor belt which drives the water through all the world's oceans.

Ptaah: That is right, because if the global conveyor belt breaks down - the enormous current of which runs through the seas and constantly mixes their water - then the movement of the oceans will cease, which then means that the majority all life on Earth will be extinguished. It is already, at the present time, very bad, because the oceans have warmed very alarmingly, in the last 17.9 years, with a thermal energy which must be computed as the equivalent of two (2) billion Hiroshima atom bombs. Through the fault of the Earth humanity, the Earth is now already in the midst of this destructive process, whereby the oceans, and the global conveyor belt, heat up ever increasingly dangerously.

Billy: But all talk and warning is useless, also with respect to all other terrible things, as, for example, in regard to the fact that cattle, pigs, other animals and all kinds of poultry are bred in enormous masses in order to control the human beings’ hunger for meat. That therefore, however, enormous masses and tonnages of foods are grown and are produced alone to feed all these creatures, about which the world's population is similarly not informed, as well as with respect to the fact that enormous amounts of foods made from plants are converted into biofuel, in order to operate motor vehicles. And all this is done by unscrupulous multinational corporations and unscrupulous farmers, and so forth, who only rake in money and want to get richer, while millions of human beings go hungry and starve on the Earth. But we have already also talked about it often, for which reason I want to talk to you now about something quite unpleasant. …


Ptaah: We Plejaran are also indeed nothing other than human beings - even if we, compared to the Earth human beings, are far more advanced in all forms of development. We are in every respect human and also remain human, at least as long as we do still have human bodies and have not yet entered the level of the “Supreme Council”.

Billy: Gratifying to hear that.

Billy: ... Then I have a question related to the Neanderthals, that is to say, their extinction. Again and again, on television and in newspapers and magazines, reports about them are provided, whereby the scientists, however, still do not know what the real reason was for their extinction. There is also the widest variety of horrible theories about that, including one which states that the Neanderthals were exterminated by the then emerging human Homo sapiens, indeed, as you yourself also once said. But that is really true up to the last detail? Among other things, we also both spoke about this on August 11th, 2008, at the 469th contact conversation, where you said this: (excerpt from Volume 11, page 422, sentences 135-139):


135. It was indeed so that the modern human beings interbred with Neanderthals and begot offspring.

136. This however was not the rule, but occurred rather sparsely.

137. As a rule, the modern human beings were hunting the Neanderthals and killing them, to use them as food, because the early homo sapiens were cannibals, and as such they by and by wiped out the Neanderthals.

138. Partly, the modern human beings held Neanderthals as captives, which they killed and ate in case of need for food. Such captives were also used, on certain occasions, to perform sexual acts with the homo sapiens, and that with both sexes.

139. As a result, certain female Neanderthals and homo sapiens bore offspring, which, however, was not often the case.

Therefore, I now want to ask you whether that which you explained is comprehensive in relation to the extinction of the Neanderthals, or whether or not there were yet other factors which played a role? You did indeed once say later that the extinction of these early human beings led back not only to the then emergence of modern human beings, even though these different groups of Neanderthals became extinct. By the way, today the term Neanderthal is also written with a “th”, thus, Neanderthals. I also do not know why. If you could provide some overall explanation to me now about these early human beings and their environment, and so forth, as well as whether there were perhaps other reasons for their extinction, as you named them for me. For our scientists it is namely still not clear what the real reason was for the extinction, consequently their opinions differ. Maybe you can bring some more clarity to the matter?

Ptaah: That which I have said to you with my explanation in the 469th contact conversation corresponds very well to accuracy. But if you are asking the entire thing in such a way that it is mentioned whether everything is comprehensively explained to the last detail, then there is this to say to that: that this is not the case. In fact, the then encountered modern human beings exterminated entire families and tribes of Neanderthals, but also, for their final demise, anatomical influences as well as natural catastrophic climatic influences existed which I have hitherto never named, and ultimately ended the existence of these early human beings. Aside from the fact that modern human beings arrived in Europe from western Asia - who often ate human flesh and were anatomically far more advanced than the Neanderthals, who they hunted down, killed and used as food - there are other important factors which led to the extinction of these early human beings. But if I am now to name still further important things, then I will be glad to do so and thus draw on our records, which we posses and with which I am familiar. Thereby, I will, however, not proceed chronologically, rather simply as I remember the facts at the moment. So the first thing to say is, that which I explained - regarding modern human beings’ cannibalism and in relation to the sexual acts between them and the Neanderthals - in fact, corresponds to the reality of that time. Although, against all odds at the time, the Neanderthals held their own a little more than 250,000 years ago, but, in the evolution of their body and metabolism, they were adjusted to the then prevailing very cold climate. That finally led to their last doom because, in a short time, extremely strong climatic changes occurred, which resulted, for the Neanderthals, in the extremely negative impact on their food supply, consequently many began to suffer from hunger. This led over time not only to degenerative effects, but also often to death. In spite of their wildness, they were social entities and held tightly together, whereby they lived, however, only in small groups, and their total number always remained small. When they encountered diseases, they concerned themselves collectively with the sick and nursed them. Their diet consisted primarily of meat, which they captured by corresponding hunts for all kinds of small and large animals, with the meat then being shared among each other in a remarkably communal way. However, they also ate berries, fruits and plants, but the meat always remained the staple food, which was quite especially necessary for their entire constitution. Basically, they were poor foods which they ingested, whereby I will once again adopt my word. Physically, they were very strong, and also all their internal and external constitution was extremely robust and adjusted in such a way to withstand very cold temperatures, which was particularly important because they were indeed living during a very cold time. They were also clever and had their own, if still primitive, language. Their existence led them into productive hunting areas in the then forests in which they lived and knew safe shelters, in whose protection they also had their accommodations. However, all this changed uncommonly quickly, as around 45,000 years ago, the climate began to change drastically, in addition to the fact that modern human beings made their appearance and hunted them down, kept them prisoners, engaged in sexual relations with them, but also killed and ate them when there was need for food.

The emerging climate change gradually also altered the forests and landscapes, consequently, gigantic open clearings emerged in which the Neanderthals could not hold their own, and, as a consequence of their cumbersomeness, also could not hunt. Their employment was the forests in which they stalked their game and could kill it with primitive, heavy spears provided with well formed stone points. These heavy killing instruments and the ponderousness and clumsiness of the Neanderthals made it impossible for them to hold their own in the vast open plains. Moreover, they could not stalk the wildlife on open land because it fled quickly if it sighted or caught the scent of the human beings. So the Neanderthals holed up in the now ever thinner forests, where they also had more and more difficulties in relation to the hunt because, when stalking the animals, they had no more cover in the lighter forests. It was further found that the Neanderthals could not adequately utilise the nutrients from meat, plants, berries and fruits and could not efficiently convert them into energy, consequently they had to constantly eat large quantities. The cells, and their energies and strengths, of the early human beings were of an entirely different nature compared with the much lighter and more flexibly-built modern human beings. With the Neanderthals, the entire metabolism was adapted to produce heat, which was absolutely necessary as a consequence of the then prevailing cold. This was completely different from the emerging modern human beings who were downright puny compared to the Neanderthals and displayed totally different characteristics to the heavily-built, early human beings. And since Neanderthals increasingly lacked food, it naturally led to many starving, while others were hunted down by the modern cannibalistic human beings and captured, to use them as welcome sex objects and as sustenance in need.

Through the sexual acts between the Neanderthals and the modern human beings, offspring were also conceived, the result being that the offspring had ever more the characteristics of the modern human beings, consequently, this is another one of the factor which led to the extinction and extermination of pure Neanderthals. And since evolution never stops, the result was that the modern human beings evolved into today's Homo sapiens sapiens who have, to this day, preserved the inherited legacy of the Neanderthals in the genomes of many Earth human beings. Although they have been extinct for nearly 30,000 years, their genetic legacy persists today and also continues from generation to generation into the future. Regarding the direct descendents of Neanderthals as well as those in which the modern human beings have been involved, it should be explained, however, that related factors actually played a role in the extinction. Compared to the modern human beings, Neanderthals exhibited a larger skull, which made birth very difficult because of the birth canal often not adequately dilating, for which reason many females died in childbirth or through severe life-threatening infections. Births among Neanderthals were therefore particularly complicated and difficult, as well as often fatal, which was also the reason that the numbers of these early humans did not greatly increase, and they only appeared in small groups. But in addition to the genome of Neanderthals, also traces of the genetic material of other close relatives have found their way into today's Earth human beings living in Europe. While there are now, among the approximately 8 billion Earth human beings, no more pure Neanderthals, their heritage is still included to a greater or lesser extent in the genome of many Earth human beings. And, actually, as you say, with the terrestrial scientists, there are many theories regarding the Neanderthals, who, in their pure form, have not existed for approximately 30,000 years. But since their heritage, in small parts, namely up to seven per cent in the genome of many Earth human beings, still exists today, it must really be asked whether the Neanderthals actually died out, because when considering some Earth human beings nowadays, it could actually be assumed that Neanderthals are still not extinct. This fact alone, of the Neanderthal heritage in the genome of many modern Earth humans, proves that these early people had sexual relationships with the modern Earth human beings, whereby resulting offspring emerged that further propagated over many generations and passed on their heritage - up into the present time.

Billy: Then so this is also clear. Thank you. Again and again, in the last few weeks, because of the terrorist attack, I am asked about the events of September 11th, 2001, in New York. But also television shows concerning conspiracy theories are broadcast in relation to the events on September 11th, 2001. In this regard, for example, the predominant conspiracy theory actually is that the U.S. government itself brought about this catastrophe and through the CIA, and so forth, allowed the two towers to be loaded up with explosives and then to be exploded, which is why they collapsed into themselves.

Ptaah: Which actually corresponds to a nonsensical conspiracy theory. Truthly, everything arose just as the inquiries by professionals and by the secret services indicated. Nevertheless, however, with respect to this crime of al-Qaeda, some weak intelligence findings exist, which were also brought to the notice of U.S. President George W. Bush, which he however completely ignored, and which were not taken as seriously as they should have been by the few responsible ones of the CIA, namely only three people – who vaguely knew about it. On one hand, the ignorance on Bush's side occurred out of sheer stupidity and, on the other hand, from his only half-conscious confused thoughts, deeply based inside him, to have a handle against the ever-impending terror in global form if a terrorist catastrophe were to occur. As we could clarify, the vague knowledge held by the three CIA people – two agents and a supervisor – was directed at the fact that a terrorist attack on the United States could be likely, but there was not a single suspicion that it related to the two towers of the WTC. The presumption was just related to generalities. In his confused stupidity, the U.S. President George W. Bush could not sufficiently predict the real risk so that he would have ordered thoroughgoing measures and mobilised the CIA on a grand scale to produce accurate investigations and take precautionary national security measures. And such protective measures would in fact have been possible, as our probability calculations have shown, but, as a result of the failure of the U.S. President and the three CIA agents, everything turned out differently. However, such was already evident in 1976, when my daughter Semjase made the relevant predictions for you and you were committed to silence. Then Quetzal made the same predictions for you again in 1986. You remember it well.

Billy: That is the case, yes, because I became hellishly miserable when Semjase made the prediction for me, and that there would be around 3,000 dead. But it also likewise happened to me at another time when the same events were named to me again by Quetzal in 1986 and he explained what would really transpire. It is simply incomprehensible why the American people vote such dead losses and fools into government who bring only enormous damage to the country. And once again, for the upcoming November, the majority of the U.S. population, especially the Republicans, will build up and idolise such a top dead-loss and first-magnitude psychopath, to exalt him as the U.S. president. See here, with this fax of August 9th, I received this list from Germany with respect to a few of the 43 U.S. presidents who have stuck out especially blatantly in regard to their criminal and felonious machinations. This also shows that Barack Obama is actually only the 43rd and not the 44th U.S. president because one Grover Cleveland was elected as president on two separate occasions, thus on March 4th, 1885, and he held office until March 4th, 1889. Four years later, on March 4th, 1893, he was elected again and remained in office until March 4th, 1897. So this man was both the 22nd as well as the 23rd U.S. president and thereby the only one who has held two terms which do not directly follow each other. Consequently, Grover Cleveland cannot be described as two different presidents. But such inconsistencies have arisen in the USA since its establishment, as such still arise today. But back to the criminal and felonious machinations of various US presidents, such as this example: President William McKinley is charged as the actual perpetrator of the 1898 launched military conflicts with Spain, which lost the war. McKinley created the exclave of Guantanamo in Cuba, where George W. Bush then, from the year 2002, imprisoned and had political prisoners tortured, and this punishment and torture camp is still in operation. Ronald Reagan, a former bad actor and dim intellect, was on the payroll of the FBI as informant T-10, who, as such, continually galvanised, as communists, more than 50 fellow actors to the FBI. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer, ordered the CIA to support the Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan, where a civil war was in progress, in which the Soviet Union had also interfered. The delivery of weaponry was also connected, which was then used - from 1992, after the victory by the militias, who now fought with each other - over the communist government of Afghanistan. And then the brutal and violent as well as religiously fanatical group, the Taliban, emerged from that, who have been terrorising the people ever since. And it could only come that far because Jimmy Carter interfered in the Afghanistan conflict, having the CIA activate and direct operations. The whole thing then simmered for years and then finally led to a further Islamist organisation, to Al Qaeda, which then, on September 11th, 2001, would bring about the catastrophe in New York. Even President John F. Kennedy was not better because, in 1963, he secretly enacted a law which allowed him to print massive amounts of money, of which the Department of Treasury has spent 4.2 billion dollars. This money, that is to say, the banknotes, did not belong to the USA, but to a group of private banks which, in 1913, had merged into the Federal Reserve System (Fed). The US state does not have the right to print banknotes itself, because only the Fed has that permission - the government has to borrow the money - and “Federal Reserve Note” is printed on their banknotes. On the other hand, Kennedy’s banknotes stated, “United States Note”. Therefore, from the Fed’s point of view, Kennedy's banknotes were counterfeit money, which Lyndon B. Johnson, as Kennedy's successor, in his first official act, had taken out of circulation, just when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Then there was President George Washington, who, with the Seven Years War of 1756-1763, actually triggered the First World War, so consequently, three world wars have already taken place, and not just two. Indeed, your father, Sfath, already told me that, but I had completely forgotten that, therefore, I have only stumbled across it again through this chronicle. Now Washington, as a military leader during the War of Independence, was as a liberal thinker in the drafting of the Constitution and also a shrewd political leader. At the age of 22 he was still a British officer in the American colonies. He was then involved in an incident which basically returns to the real First World War which shook the Earth. With 160 soldiers, in 1754, he patrolled the Ohio Valley between British and French territories. In May of that year, the French sent out a diplomat in order to move Washington from their territory. But he opened fire on the diplomatic corps, whereby the French negotiator and about 13 of his accompanying soldiers were deliberately murdered, in Washington's hope of being able to drive a wedge between the French and the British, because only such a conflict between the two colonial powers could lead to success in regard to the American War of Independence. This crime led to the triggering of the so-called French and Indian Wars, from which, two years later, emerged the bloody conflicts between the great European powers and thus the Seven Years War, which was fought in America, Europe and Asia and therefore was worldwide, which is why this was the real First World War which, however, was concealed from the world's population. Therefore the talk was and is always a threat of a Third World War; consequently, should it come to another worldwide war through the greed for might of some crazed state mighty-one, that would then become the Fourth World War. Over the course of years I had completely forgotten that, because I only remembered that which Sfath had said to me about the First World War again, when this chronology came into my face. President Andrew Jackson was the same sort of criminal as Washington, and needs to be charged with the responsibility for the first and the largest ethnic cleansing ever in the history of US America. He criminally drove 100,000 Indians from their homeland, where, already as a soldier, he took merciless and murderous action against natives of the country, murdering many or expelling them. On May 28th, 1830, he signed the so-called “Indian Removal Act”, being the death sentence for countless other Indians, because the law allowed the relocation of Indian tribes to white farmers, and so forth, in order to create areas for their settlement. Thus, about a quarter of all deported Indians came to be killed, in part because they were murdered by the whites, or, on the other hand, because they did not survive the forced marches to the distant places of deportation - that is to say, reserves - and perished miserably. President Franklin D. Roosevelt also made himself guilty, in that he wanted and provoked the attack on Pearl Harbour. However, this was first discovered 60 years later by a former naval officer named Robert Stinnett. One expert said: "An act like this was required in order that the American people be immediately and totally pivoted around to war." Roosevelt forced the Japanese into a trade embargo as a coercive measure, and a counter-attack came to bear against the embargo – thus an attack on Pearl Harbour, with 2,403 dead and 1,178 wounded, as well as the destruction of 14 warships and 320 destroyed or severely damaged aircraft. 90 percent of all US Americans were initially opposed to an entry into the Second World War (that is to say, the Third World War), however, after Pearl Harbour, the people also screamed for war. By the way, Roosevelt learnt of an imminent attack through the secret services, as did George W. Bush, yet he also just did not respond in order to prevent something when it came to the terror disaster of September 11th, 2001. Furthermore there was President John Adams, who was a supporter of the monarchy and wanted to see if that which was then America would have been ruled by a king, whereby he really wanted to establish an American dictatorship. So it came to be that, as the conflict with France came in 1798, he took the opportunity to adopt one of the most controversial laws of US America - namely the so-called “Alien and Sedition Acts” - which consists of four parts and authorised the president to detain and deport any foreigners in the country. In addition, he also had an attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution, determined to guarantee the freedom of the press, in that those who published “false and malicious texts” against the president could be criminalised and punished. This led to countless people being charged under this law and convicted during the tenure of John Adams. The only reason he could not realise his plans for the establishment of a dictatorship was because he was not re-elected. President Thomas Jefferson, his successor, then immediately cancelled and annulled three of the four parts of the laws. The “Alien Enemies Act” however - allowing that people who come from countries which found or find themselves at war with US America, and so forth, or are able to be deported - even still exists in today’s time. In addition to the previously mentioned US presidents who have evoked great evil, are several others who could be mentioned, however, that would lead much too far, consequently, therefore, I will mention only two, being Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Lincoln proclaimed on August 22nd, 1862, that his highest goal was the preservation of the Union, that is, the union of American states, because a deep rift had emerged in the Union between the traditional South and the modern North, and so the whole thing had been crumbling away for years. He further declared that if he could save the Union without freeing a single slave, then he would do it. This quote was the exact opposite of the reason he was elected president, namely because he proclaimed the abolition of slavery in the USA. In contradiction, during the election campaign in 1860, he already promised that he would not abolish slavery, but it should no longer be allowed in the newly-formed states. Therefore, the South rejected Lincoln as president. Therefore, presidential contradiction, and once again contradiction; consequently seven states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy, which was the prelude to the American Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The South was fighting for its traditional social system, while no reason for war was at hand for the North to wage a war against the South. Consequently, Abraham Lincoln thought of a way to deliver a reason for war. He subsequently announced, on January 1st, 1863, the so-called Emancipation Proclamation, according to which, all slaves were now immediately free. But this was nothing more than an evil trick in order to start a struggle, for the abolition of slavery, out of a political war. Thus a double weakening of the Confederacy was brought about because immediately more than three million southern state slaves became allies of the North, with many of them joining the fight against the southern states, whereby, naturally, many were also killed. And now, when finally the talk is of US President Theodore Roosevelt, then it must be said that he was also not an upstanding person. When the U.S. won in the Spanish-American War in 1898, having risen out of the former British colony to become a world power, it was now itself a colonial power, with Guam, Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico being transferred from Spain to the USA. But as the resistance to the new colonial power USA rose in the Philippines, the people began to defend themselves. Then in September 1901, as Theodore Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in the USA, when he had only been in office for two weeks, there was a guerrilla attack on the Philippine island of Samar, in which more than 50 US soldiers were killed. Full of revenge and retaliation, Roosevelt ordered General Jacob H. Smith, to finally solve the problem of guerrilla war in the Philippines, in such a way that no prisoners would be taken, but that everyone should be killed and burned, and indeed, the more the better. This criminal command led to the so-called Philippine Balangiga Massacre, in which about 50,000 human beings were tortured, murdered and massacred. Primarily, they were not however, guerrillas, rather civilians – the elderly, women and children. General Jacob H. Smith was suited for this action, as he was best known, as early as in 1890, for his brutality, his contempt for humanity and as a frenzied murderer. He made his name as slaughterer and massacrer at the Massacre of Wounded Knee, by the US soldiers, as masses of women, children and men of Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux Indians were brutally slaughtered and massacred. In 1902, when the general was then asked why, before a military court, he was acquitted at the insistence of the U.S. government, therefore he was not brought to justice for many thousands of murders. And once again, for the upcoming November, the majority of the U.S. population, especially the Republicans, will build up and idolise such a top dead-loss and first-magnitude psychopath, to exalt him as the U.S. president. And when that Romney comes to power, then the U.S. and the world can probably expect something again which will really be indescribably.

Ptaah: To that, it must be said that this man, Mitt Romney, only vouches for his own interests, because the matters which concern the people and the country are of absolutely no importance to him whatsoever. Actually, many former US Presidents, behave the same way, as I have explained to you once before, also naming certain criminal and felonious acts of which they were guilty. Now I can only confirm the statements which this fax contains here. Unfortunately, there is to say that, with respect to the election, too many powerful ones of finance and clueless ones of the people, who are prejudiced for this man Romney, will vote for him. But before this vote can take place, in two months on November 6th, the election campaign will be overshadowed by a primeval whirlwind, the appearance of which has never before been seen in living memory, which will wreak enormous damage on the east coast of the United States, as was previously never before the case in this way in America. Unfortunately, the storm will demand up to 60 human lives. However, this violent whirlwind will be only the beginning of further such whirlwinds which are even more devastating, which, in the future, will produce much worse worldwide damage than those which will result from the coming storm at the end of October. And the fact is, in this respect, that the Earth humanity has to bear the blame for it, namely, due to the incurred and continually spreading overpopulation, by means of which vast and serious destructive effects on the whole of nature, its circulation and therefore on climate, emerge. I mention this predictively because, through this upcoming severe natural event, the campaign activities are to be interrupted for a short time, in which case Romney, however, autocratic and irresponsible after the storm, immediately uses the opportunity to again make propaganda for himself, which corresponds exactly to his psychopathic, high-handed, selfish and irresponsible being, which should give pause to his supporters and voters. This, while Obama perceives his presidential duty and responsibility and will concern himself for the human beings and the catastrophe. The result of the election, however, will then indeed be such that the rational American men and women, once again, elect Barack Obama and thereby prevent an election of the serious psychopathic and also fickle and shifty and dishonest Romney. Were this man to come to power, then all that majority of the American population which is not very rich would very much regret it, because this section of the population would be harassed by Romney. The middle class would suffer very great disadvantages, and the layer of the poor would fall victim to even deeper poverty, while various firms and corporations, as well as the American state itself, would be driven to ruin by this psychopathic, power-greedy and misanthropic Romney. Also much harm would be done in foreign policy, both economically as well as by criminal military and intelligence activities, and everything would be even worse than was the case under the two Bush rulers

Billy: Aha, then this evil can become avoided through the USA population’s rational ones. But, with the USA, the whole thing cannot go on eternally as it was before Barack Obama came, who can be thanked for the end of the deployment in Iraq and the elimination of Osama bin Laden, as well as the huge humanitarian step forward for the American people with respect to the comprehensive health insurance, which this misanthropic Romney indeed wants to abolish again. When I consider that which you confided to me during my Great Trip in 1975, that, according to your probability calculations, the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if this country does not change for the better by then, and if those who are the USA’s allies continue to dissociate from that country, or even become open enemies of that country, then could Obama perhaps be the jumping off point where this is still indeed possible to prevent?

Ptaah: That could be so, but also to consider is that which the Obama followers will do next and which internal and external policies they pursue, because this will also determine that which will happen after 2020.

Billy: On the one hand, in 1975, you especially raised the enormous contradictions with regard to politics, the economy, the military machinations, the decline of the culture, as well as the character of the climbing religion and sectarianism and the serious criminal activity or even felonies of the former Presidents of the USA, and you said that if these things continue going in the same deeply rooted and still climbing framework, then the collapse could no longer be avoided. I have taken good notice of all that, and I can really understand if the result is as you calculated. Furthermore, back then you said that, if the USA collapses, China could moult into the next world power and superpower, which would, however, fundamentally require, prior to that, that China gathers strong allies around it until then, in order to have sufficient influence to ever exist as superpower. Solely being an economic power, as is the China which is dependent on the global economy, as you have explained, is not enough to be a superpower. But megalomania could lead to catastrophic attempts to gain a superpower position, and to could lead to worldwide acts of war. But if, in relation to the USA, one would now just considers the gigantic mountain of national debt, now more than 16 trillion dollars, which can no longer be repaid, and the ongoing interest can only hardly, or no longer, even be peripherally serviced, then even the least intelligent recognise how it stands with the USA. But US America is not standing alone, because one has only to think of Germany, France, England, Spain and Italy, and so forth, which have similar all-around mismanagement and trillion dollar mountains of debts. Also my homeland, Switzerland, is designed to go into debt, even if only over hundreds of billions, but even this is enough - and no one is there who orders a stop to the evil trading. But to come back to the USA: one must also consider the entire overarching US mismanagement and all the other contradictions as well as the zeros among the US presidents are – from which I exclude Barack Obama, however, from among all the previous super zeros in all sorts of things to which the traditional role falls - then I also see that your probability calculation could be fulfilled. However, certain things happen under Obama which cannot be seen as right, and I think in this regard specifically of the matter of the remote-controlled drones used to kill terrorists and terrorist suspects. Yet you have explained that the whole of the relevant body of thought and action cannot find its origin with him, but with those who practically forced him, according to their will and desire, to give his orders and signatures. You explained that he himself is virtually powerless, even if power was formally granted and he is charged that it is for him alone to determine lethal drone operations, and in this respect he took the rudder directly for himself, whereby he is, and will continue to be, held responsible for the most various military and political machinations, which did not, and do not, correspond to his ideas. He is, however, a very powerful man, but he is dependent upon his advisers and all those who have the power to deviously advise, direct, steer and compel him to their will. These powerful ones are the uppermost of the military, the Department of Defense, and the secret services, as well as politicians, advisors, confidants, banks, the stock exchange and the machinery, pharmaceutical and defence corporations and the government elite and religious-sectarian leaders, and so forth. But if I now consider your probability calculations, I can assume all the more so that your calculations can be realised, when I consider that you have explained at that time that the USA is heaping more and more, and increasingly enormous, damage upon its allies around the world, and exciting resistance and even hostility towards US America. Then, in relation to many predictions you have made, I still want to explain that I have often taken many of them very hard, especially because I also had to be silent and was not permitted to announce any warnings. Actually, I am now quite happy that you do not make any predictions anymore, because they were always uncommonly burdensome for me because I could not do anything to keep the event from becoming reality. Indeed, you have allowed me to undertake an attempt to get in touch with the US government via L., who was previously employed by the CIA, but then the US government, via the CIA, made impossible demands, which were unfulfillable according to your motivation, which is the reason that no positive connection came about. I then received the unfulfillable demands in writing. But you predicted that, therefore, after a fruitless attempt to contact the US government, I then did not continue to make further attempts about the matter and would not make such efforts again. Moreover you have also said yourself that the test which was carried out was the first and the last, and consequently, in this respect, you will not allow further. Therefore, I hold myself to that. But in relation to predictions: if something in the future particularly interests me, as before, will you give me more facts, if I do not publish them? And what will happen if the United States collapses?

Ptaah: We will give you further information if you want it or if you think it might be necessary to make a prediction publicly, whereby it must then be, however, a question of your own, and only about something very special that no longer falls into the old framework of the predictions. And that which you mention with respect to that which I have said in regard to the US president, Barack Obama, corresponds to the truth. He will be blamed for serious things which do not correspond to his own decision, but which he is simply forced to endorse, and much of what he wants to achieve, in the form of positive changes for the direct welfare benefit of the poorer segments of the population, he will be negatively blamed for by the envious, the power-greedy and the rich, and it will be maliciously attempted to again end the good that he has achieved. However, that which results if the USA should fall into ruin indicates that, under certain circumstances, a dictatorship and naked violence will arise, which has already been foreshadowed for years. The people of the United States are taken on an ever shorter leash, financially exploited, and everything from which profit can be made is withheld from them, whereby primarily the rich and their followers as well as those elite in the government are responsible, who only represent their overflowing wealth, their monetary greed and their absolute personal interests. However, this corresponds exactly to the opposite of Barack Obama's ideas, as he wants prosperity and the best for the people as well as for the country itself. And these political and government elite consist of both Republicans, as well as Democrats. Valuable reforms to the welfare of the population and the country are not sought. Thus the already profound poverty among the people continuously accumulates, while the wealthy ever further enrich themselves, so that the social inequality grips ever faster. Thus, with a collapse of the USA, only two possibilities can be considered, whereby, with the one, it boils down to a dictatorship with evil reprisals and great violence, while the other possibility may be a new reconstruction, if people who are fundamentally conscious of their responsibilities attain government and really do everything to bring about an effective and valuable new start. But whether this will actually occur, is currently extremely questionable, because presently, in a totalitarian manner, everything is aligned along interests which are economic, military, political and cultural - as well as along that which is strict fundamentalist religious-sectarian - and based on enormous lies and devious, misanthropic, criminal and felonious machination in every imaginable relationship. This also means that the population of the USA is spied upon by the secret services and even severely within the neighbourhoods, and so forth, and, in every possible way being restricted in its freedom, and this is in addition to the violence, as it emerges in some form or other, both openly and covertly. Also, in relation to China, I must remain with my statements, that also the USA is a superpower which spreads worldwide death, ruin and destruction as well as hatred and intrigues, whereby the world-embracing terrorism is further steadily promoted. With death-bringing, remote-controlled drones, Obama fights according to the will of those others who have forced him to so do, and now have pushed all the might and responsibility for that onto him alone. And as to the matter concerning the US government, the CIA, and yourself, the following is to say: the attempt to make a recording of the contact will fail - which is approximately 92 percent expected - due to the arrogance of the US government and the contacted CIA personnel, however, an eight percent possibility remains open that it could still indeed have a slight success. This is particularly so because agents are embedded in the “Brückenwaage” restaurant in Dussnang, who maintain contact with L. in the Center. For this reason, there was a very slight hope. And so we assumed that, I must confess, we ourselves have also thereby attached certain expectations, when we allowed you to attempt to make contact with the government of the USA, because a slight success could indeed have resulted. So we allowed you to undertake an attempt, whereby it then, however unfortunately all proved to be illusory. And it was indeed no more than an attempt. But we also did not want to just pass over your insistence, in order that you could see for yourself that an undertaking such as that is very difficult. But the only eight percent open possibility that something positive could be achieved was indeed not crowned with success.

Billy: Aha, then you have thereby, in a certain way, also given me lesson, which, in this regard, was certainly good. But against your advice, I then made an effort, in the USA, to bring interested American people to their feet in a FIGU group, but then which also failed, and indeed four times up until now. It has unfortunately been proven that most human beings in America do not understand what a democratic stance actually is, and that a FIGU group can only consist, and must exist, in a democratic manner. Constantly, a ruling, dirigent and dictatorial behaviour was brought to the fore, but this was, and is, absolutely unacceptable, for which reason we had the Core Group dissolve the corresponding US American groups again. Obviously it does not appear to be understood that no class differences can be permitted in a FIGU democracy and that resolutions are not permitted to be made and carried out by individual practitioners of power in a group, rather solely by the bulk of the group members. There are no class differences in a democracy, because it is determined solely by the mass of the majority. Actually, in the FIGU Core Group, we are still a very big step further, because, with us, our democracy has elevated such that resolutions are only valid if an absolute unanimity of all Core Group members is given. Apparently, however, in the USA - as unfortunately also in other countries - the human beings are not clear what democracy actually means and that a true community can really only exist in peace, freedom, harmony, and in equality, equal rights and equal values. Naturally, in the US and in all other countries of the world, there are many human beings involved in the “Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of Life”, that is to say, the “Spirit Teaching”, who are interested and would like to have a FIGU group in their own country, but that can effectively only be possible if such a grouping is managed and led in compliance with the FIGU democracy. I would also wish that for the USA, even if, resulting from the lack of understanding, the majority of American people do not demonstrate pleasure to you in relation to the understanding of freedom, peace, harmony and democracy. But also the human beings in the USA can learn, and indeed there is a significant number who are interested in the teaching and are also making an effort to pay attention to the mission and teaching, live moderately, behaving in compliance with FIGU rules and the creational-natural laws and recommendations, and to thereby to get a thus aligned group on its feet. But this is unfortunately not easy, because many personal - and also fellow human and administrative - difficulties must be overcome, whereby the personal problems are well the largest and most comprehensive, and indeed specifically in terms of their own proper behaviour towards their fellow human beings and accepting the comprehensive democratic attitude and leadership of a FIGU group.

Ptaah: Your opinion honours you, but you have yours and we have ours, whereby ours has come true. But we will be happy to be surprised and taught, which can perhaps indeed become possible if human beings in the USA who are interested in the teaching and the mission still do free themselves of their erroneous views, opinions and attitudes, and so forth, and can fit themselves into the rules of FIGU.

Billy: A small number of persons are trying really very hard to form a good FIGU group in the USA. So there are also really good people over there who try very hard. If I thereby think solely of Michael Horn, who has already worked for so many years for the teaching and the mission, he and his work cannot be highly enough estimated. Indeed, all human beings need not exist within his tireless context of effects, because a lesser commitment is already very valuable, and such a one can achieve much in America. However, these correspond only to a minority, but if they engage themselves, then much can be achieved through them. A small number of human beings can also achieve much and bring, in many others, change for the better and good, if they make an effort. How does it go? Constant dripping wears away the stone. Considered in the sense that everything unloving, evil, unpeaceful and disharmonious, wrong and illiberal, as well as any violence, addiction to rule and addiction to might, every hatred, every revenge as well as every addiction to retaliation, will, in the same way, be worn down to the ground, as well as everything dictatorial and which harms life and limb.

Ptaah: There is nothing there with which to argue, because your words correspond to reality. This, however, changes nothing in our attitude. If, in relation to the human beings and the behaviour of the American people, something changes for the better, for good and right, then we will also change our opinion. But we are very pleased regarding the ongoing efforts for many years by Michael Horn, whereby he has provided extraordinary services, which are of inestimable value. While we acknowledge the efforts of all those people in the USA who tried for decades to form a FIGU group and also made an effort in terms of learning the spiritual teaching, unfortunately they have not achieved the objectives they claimed they wanted to achieve.

Billy: That which does not yet exist can always still come into being. Actually, it must indeed be said, and you also know it, that from my side, for several years already, no further efforts succeed in relation to the formation of a FIGU group in the USA. The contact with a still loose group which - after the dissolution of the Florida FIGU group by the Core Group, has newly formed itself and at least currently cannot yet be designated as an official FIGU group - is held up only by Philia and Christian. Time will tell what results from this group someday. You do know what has emerged from the FIGU-Japan-national group, so that the Core Group also had to dissolve that, because also there the leadership of the group dared to set itself up hierarchically and exercise their might over the members. A transitional group is forming itself there which must be officially regulated in accordance with the laws of Japan. Additionally, I now think that this new FIGU group in Japan will elect persons who have integrity and do the right thing - it is to so hope. It is also good that we have Kunio Uchida with us, who is capable of making telephone contact in his native language about certain things at a moment’s notice regarding the concerns of our Core Group with respect to the new Japan-group. Frau Strasser-Kono is still responsible for the written concerns related to translations in the Japanese language, whereby Simone and Stephan lead the correspondence with the people in Japan regarding the Core Group’s resolutions.

Ptaah: That I know all that, and that the Core Group is very well regulated by the members.

Billy: The Core Group members thank you for your bouquet. But now still a question related to the earlier predictions: surely, also with these, you knew from the very beginning - as in the case with the US government - that all of you, and I, have made predictions and probability calculations which were unheard and unnoticed, like screams in the desert which remain and produce no echo.

Ptaah: We knew that. That is right, yet because of your constant insistence we agreed, and over the decades we made it our duty to undertake the fathoming for predictions. Additionally, we also thought that we perhaps erred with our probability calculations, and the predictions and calculations could indeed bring about something with the Earth human beings, so that they would just prick up their ears and at least change certain serious things, or even prevent them. The whole of our hopes, however, was a serious delusion to which we had succumbed, because the majority of the Earth human beings are so narrow-minded and high-handed that they build only upon their own ignorance, their own low intelligence and lack of logic, and therefore they disregarded all warnings and good advice. In truth, there are, in all the countries of the world, only minorities who know how to profoundly use their minds, their reason and their logic, and who are willing to turn to the reality and its truth, and also to learn, to understand and to implement the creational-natural laws and recommendations.

Billy: You are talking once again completely in the sense that I do and with words as I also formulate them.

Ptaah: Even at my age I can still learn very much, thus also your so accurate manner of explanation, talking, presentation and speech. This is all so apposite that I myself make it more and more my own, because, to me, you are not only a very dear and precious friend, rather also a teacher, the likes of which I have never yet encountered in my lifetime.

Billy: ... You make me embarrassed, my friend. Rather just explain something to me somewhat more exactly: actually why, for some time now, enormous changes take place in the Oort cloud, which is located just at the outermost edge of the SOL system, as you explained to me in a conversation on my Great Trip in 1975, when you permitted me to see the Dark Star. In one of our most recent conversations you also again privately indicated something regarding the changes taking place in the Oort cloud. You said that, due to the dark planet floating around out there, changes are taking place that will influence the whole SOL system. To my knowledge, the terrestrial scientists suspected something along these lines, that the Dark Star exists out there, but, for them, everything is based on pure conjecture. To my knowledge, they use the name Nemesis for the alleged Dark Star. But the whole thing has nothing to do with the dark planet, which moves along its trajectory on the other side of the Sun and cannot be perceived from the Earth and haunts through the system, because I think that this has nothing to do with the Dark Star, Nemesis, or?

Ptaah: That is right. The SOL system is a binary star system, where the SOL twin is a so-called Dark Star, as you say. Its size is about ten times smaller than the SOL itself, whereby this twin also has its own planets orbiting around it, as you have known since 1975. The radius of the Dark Star to the SOL encompasses more than a light-year, therefore, more than 9.5 trillion kilometers, and the circumnavigation of the SOL’s centre of mass, that is to say, SOL's own orbit, amounts to around 26 million years.

Billy: SOL’s own orbit - I do not understand. What does that means?

Ptaah: The Sun, that is to say, SOL does not stand still in outer space; rather it turns, indeed in its own sweeping circle, around an imaginary midpoint.

Billy: Aha. I did not know that. And why, so far, have the terrestrial astronomers not yet discovered the Dark Star?

Ptaah: The hitherto existing astronomical technical equipment and devices are not suitable. But it is only a question of time until a corresponding discovery succeeds. The currently existing technical devices are not yet capable, however, of capturing the extremely faint light of the Dark Star and its satellites. And that, to which the changes relate, in the Oort cloud, evoked by the Dark Star; the basis is that an enormous movement occurs in the innumerable - existing in billions - numbers of smallest, small, large and largest rock, ice and metal fragment formations, and sometimes great structures are hurled out as meteors from the Oort cloud, into orbits of the inner SOL system. A large chain of such meteors is, already for many decades, underway into the inner SOL system and has partly already passed the Earth or exploded high in the atmosphere. This is happening because of the Dark Star which has long since penetrated directly into the effective range of the Oort cloud, and since then evokes severe disturbances.

Billy: Then, from out of there, maybe new and still unknown comets and meteors reach into the inner solar system and in the area of the Earth, as is also indeed the case with respect to objects in the asteroid belt? And as I am already at this, I ask myself whether it is because, even with these projectiles from the Oort cloud, it is the case that some are circling in twos and threes, or that some are circled by small satellites like moons, as is the case for the larger asteroids, as I was allowed to observe from your Great Spacer in 1975 on my Great Trip. But what has happened to that very long, dark meteor-chain which emerged from the Oort cloud, which was on course for Earth, which you reported to me privately at the start of 2001? Are these meteors still underway into the inner SOL system and to Earth?

Ptaah: It was and is really a very long chain of meteors, which was catapulted out of the Oort cloud, and which found its way into the inner solar system, including the Earth. Some of the larger meteors of this very long chain, as I have just explained, have already passed near to, or more distant from, the Earth. Smaller ones have crashed, or exploded at great heights above the earth, and indeed across a number of years because they were stretched so far along their path and still are. The first meteor exploded in late July, 2001, high over the region of Kerala in India, as you know. Another meteor from the same chain exploded once again at a high altitude over India, in the year 2007, while the next two meteors from the same chain invaded the earth's atmosphere and exploded in 2008, high over Colombia and New Mexico. And, from this very elongated meteor chain, still more and more are underway and on a course to SOL and the Earth, because these previously mentioned meteors were catapulted out of the Oort cloud by the Dark Star, that is to say, the dark twin of SOL. Also, there are still four objects, which were hurled from the Oort cloud by the Dark Star, which belong to the category of comets and are likewise on a path into the inner SOL system.

Billy: Then this meteor chain is therefore still very long, and it can, depending on the velocity of the objects, probably stretch out for years and decades, until the last of these space satellites come into the further or closer area of the Earth, if I understood you right. And perhaps, in addition to those from this meteor chain which have exploded over the Earth, are there any others out of the same chain which have passed by Earth?

Ptaah: This is the case, yes, but I said that already, and it happened repeatedly during the recent decades. And it will also continue to do so, whereby, on the Earth, some events will still occur.

Billy: Not exactly pleasant, then indeed still much can be expected on Earth, because it is indeed inevitable that such meteors and comets will penetrate the habitable zone, that is to say, the “Green Zone”, that is to say, the “Zone of Life” of the solar system, where, indeed, the Earth is found. In addition to that, then quickly the question in relation to the prophetically announced Red Meteor: does this also come from the Oort cloud?

Ptaah: That is actually right, and if nothing special results which changes its orbit through any emerging unexpected factors or that it is modified by the Earth human beings, then it will result in the prophecies fulfilling themselves.

Billy: Understood. When a large object, a large comet, meteorite or asteroid, crashes to Earth, as one did more than 240 million years ago, whereby indeed on one hand, the dinosaurs first emerged, and then they were made extinct around 65 million years ago, then there are indeed worldwide catastrophes whereby practically all life is extinguished. But if such a large projectile from space crashes into the sea, then that does not have to lead to a global catastrophe, or?

Ptaah: Actually, the destruction does not spread out over the entire world, but the whole is then centrally limited.

Billy: What is one to understand from that?

Ptaah: This means, were a large comet, meteor or asteroid to crash into the sea, as happened, for example, millions of years ago in the Gulf of Mexico, and so forth, so that a gigantic tsunami then arises, the area of destruction is comprised of a particular central expanse which spreads out over thousands of square kilometers. Everything which is thereby directly destroyed by the actual tsunami, we call the central destruction area. That which is still only indirect, and thus is only caused by the further effect of the action of the tsunami’s destructive offshoots, we designate as outer central.

Billy: Aha, understood. You say that millions of years ago, in the Gulf of Mexico, a projectile from outer space crashed down and a gigantic tsunami was created. What do I have to imagine with gigantic - and has it then resulted in a crater there on the bottom of the sea?

Ptaah: Actually, a large crater was incurred, which was also discovered a few years ago during investigations for oil drilling. As for the giganticness of the tsunami resulting from the crash, accordingly our calculations have shown that the towering masses of water exhibited 4936 meters of height and destroyed thousands of square kilometers of land, and must have killed countless living beings.

Billy: Really gigantic. But something else: life has indeed independently evolved on Earth, as life has also, however, been brought to Earth by comets and meteors from outer space. Anyhow, so I was taught by your father, Sfath, as well as your daughter, Semjase, as well as Quetzal and yourself. This life was indeed so very tiny, only just in the form of micro-organisms. These micro-organisms, that is to say, microbes, are mostly single-celled organisms which can be, according to their tiny size, in the range of only a few microns, made visible by microscopic magnification. To that end, the question is, whether, in outer space and indeed by way of comets and meteors - perhaps by asteroids - such micro-organisms are still being brought to Earth? Sfath told me regarding comets that micro-organisms only reached Earth from these when the comet crashed to Earth or if it passed by very close to the planet or the planet ran into their tail. Only thereby can the microbes then reach the atmosphere and the geosphere, and if I remember correctly, such micro-organisms from outer space are called Panspermien by the terrestrial scientists, or anyhow, so I have read it somewhere once. But there are various microbes, and it interests me. If you can say a few words about it?

Ptaah: There are, if I am to use the terrestrial-scientific terms, eukaryotic micro-organisms which have a genuine nucleus and also exhibit DNA, being micro-algae, microscopic fungi, protozoa. Next there are the prokaryotic micro-organisms which do not have a genuine nucleus, being archaebacteria, cyanobacteria and eubacteria. But additionally, there is still a third form, which certainly has cells, which however possess no intrinsic DNA, but which, in spite of that, can still replicate at several hundred degrees of heat. But I should not say any more about it, because these things are still unknown to terrestrial scientists. Moreover, they are not situated on Earth, but only temporarily reach here by way of comets and meteors, that is to say, through their disintegration in the Earth's atmosphere and on the geosphere.

Billy: Disintegration: what do I need to understand by this? Perhaps a dissolution or some such, as, for example, with a comet's tail, or by way of an explosion of a comet or meteorite in or over the terrestrial atmosphere? Disintegration indeed actually means as much as “splitting” or even “dissolving”.

Ptaah: What you say is right, naturally.

Billy: I have indeed had undeserved luck there, and not disgraced myself. I would have been really embarrassed if I had stumbled in my interpretation. Then again a question, with respect to the trans fats. Sfath, your father, already taught me at a young age, that I should always properly nourish myself and thereby be careful to avoid so-called trans fats. The avoidance these fats is important in relation to overall health, as well as in terms of balanced behaviour, because trans fats, he said, would evoke aggressive forms of behaviour and increase these continuously, and indeed in a measure which is stronger than alcohol. Trans fats, that is to say, trans fatty acids, also would evoke pathological changes of the arteries, hardening of the arteries, as well as allergies, Alzheimer's, diabetes and cancer, as well as also evoke pathological inflammations, and so forth, and advance all these things further if they were already in place. Although recently people - such as a certain Brigitte Nussbaum, one Professor Josef Krieglstein and a Professor Doctor Susanne Klumpp (deceased 2009) - claim that olive oil can contribute to atherosclerosis. Analyses at the Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Münster, are to have led to the conclusion that monounsaturated fatty acids are meant to have adverse health effects. Can you just say something clarifying about that?

Ptaah: That which my father taught you is absolutely right, against which the claim, that unsaturated fatty acids are meant to have adverse health effects, is false. It is trans fatty acids which are extremely harmful to health and dangerous to the entire organism, especially because they can lead to obesity and also to depression, cause sickness, as well as very often producing diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer. Unfortunately, the Earth human beings are not conscious of that, for which reason they unthinkingly consume trans fats, thus endangering their health and even their lives. Trans fatty acids are as bad and damaging to health and even life-threatening as dioxins, which arise from combustion processes and form highly toxic compounds, particularly chlorine and hydrocarbons which can cause serious health and developmental damage. The trans fatty acids are, in common parlance, simply called trans fats, whereby, however, the fewest Earth human beings among the general population know that this thereby deals with forms of fat which are extremely damaging to the health. It is particularly significant that, within the general population, no details are known about that which makes it all so especially dangerous. The fact of the matter is, therefore, also that a very great danger exists, especially for growing children and adolescents, because particular parts of terrestrial humanity consume food with the largest amounts of trans fats, which often cause irreparable damage to health. The trans fatty acids - it is naturally these - are extremely dangerous because the body can only transfigure their double hydrocarbon bonds with extreme difficult, or not degrade them at all. On this basis, the physical-organic health is extraordinarily strongly burdened, whereby obesity also occurs and the harmful LDL cholesterol levels rise high and evoke atherosclerosis, that is to say, hardening of the arteries. This means, however, that thereby, the risk of heart attack and stroke is greatly increased. In a way that no other fat is, even low amounts of trans fats are very dangerous, whereby already 2.5 grams per day increases, by more than 30 percent, the risk of the aforementioned afflictions, those things harmful to health, and effective diseases, when the described quantity is consumed regularly over a period of 4 to 8 years. Over time, trans fats consumed daily would inevitably lead to grave health problems, and this is especially true if a person is genetically predisposed to premature atherosclerosis. Already for decades, the Earth human beings have consumed far too great quantities of trans fat, particularly through fast-food products, through many processed foods, biscuits, pastries, croissants, chicken nuggets, cakes, french fries, croquettes, various chips and burgers, popcorn, various cheese products as well as other fatty products, that is to say, food made of fats. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil contains trans fats.

Billy: Which fats and oils are with us on the Earth, which should specifically be used?

Ptaah: Basically and primarily, only high quality vegetable oils should be used, which are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, almond oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, hazelnut oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, wheat germ oil and peanut oil, are good here because these oils to a large extent reduce the negative impact of trans fats in many prepared foods, that is to say, meals. In the preparation of food and meals, very close attention should be paid to these as much as possible only containing healthy fats and oils with mono and poly unsaturated fats. Important therefore, are, for example, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which are specifically found in fish oils from salmon, trout, herring, tuna and mackerel, as well as in krill oil and the oils of various olives, in rapeseed [canola], nuts, hemp and can be found in flax seeds [linseed], and so forth. It is important, however, that all of these oils are cold pressed, otherwise they are as good as worthless relative to the simple or multiple unsaturation of the fatty acids. In the omega-3 fatty acids the factors EPA and DHA are of great significance, because - in the context of a balanced diet, they make a significant contribution in relation to good health - these substances exert a valuable influence on the regulation of blood. In addition, DHA is a very important component for the function of photoreceptors as well as for the conducting membranes of the brain, for concentration, memory, the ability to learn and in the support of mental performance. Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for the healing of inflammatory processes, which not infrequently trigger chronic diseases and therefore bring with them long-term suffering. Omega-3 fatty acids must be consumed in the diet because the human body itself cannot produce them.

Billy: And how does it stand with the much-vaunted margarine and the linoleic acid?

Ptaah: For a long time margarine on the Earth was not harmless, but it has changed for the better over the last two decades, therefore, in the present time, normal margarine contains only a few trans fats. Nevertheless, however, more diet margarines should be used because they usually contain many good fats. Conjugated linoleic acids are found only in milk, dairy products and meat from ruminants. They have the characteristic of lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis, where they strengthen the immune system and also support the building of muscle tissue and the formation of bone. On the basis of their many valuable ingredients, milk and dairy products belong in a healthy diet, whereby, for those human beings who suffer from milk and dairy intolerance, special observances apply which must be followed.

Note from Billy = Prepared according to explanations from a specialised publication. Warning: Ptaah’s explanation only applies to people who are not subject to lactose intolerance or a milk allergy, that is to say, suffer an allergy to cow's milk / protein allergy.

Lactose intolerance is not harmless and must be taken seriously. Lactose intolerance is an adverse reaction to lactose, which occurs when the small intestine does not produce enough of the digestive enzyme lactase. Fortunately, not everyone who is subject to lactose intolerance suffers from lactose intolerance to the same extent with this milk sugar intolerance. But for people who do suffer from it, there are definitely possibilities for eating balanced diets with no reductions in milk and milk products, consequently, lactose intolerance does not mean that milk should be eliminated thoroughly and completely.

Milk contains milk sugar, which is lactose, whereby approximately 20% of the European population is lactose intolerant and lactose is hard to digest for them. If, despite that, these human beings still enjoy milk, and then take on typical symptoms of lactose intolerance, which manifest themselves by various symptoms, for example, abdominal pain, bloating or diarrhoea, and so forth, whereby actually also strong health-impairing disease could be caused. Naturally, with every person the tolerance limit for drinking milk can be very different, as is the case also with regard to indigestion. For understanding, it must be said that lactose intolerance, that is to say, milk sugar intolerance, has nothing to do with a milk allergy, which is different in nature and that is based on a cow's milk protein allergy. Consequently, make sure that these two factors are not confused. A milk allergy is based upon a reaction of the immune system which negatively reacts to certain parts of the protein in cow's milk.

Naturally, there are also dairy foods that are free of lactose, such as the following cheeses: Emmentaler, Gruyère and Sbrinz. On the Internet and in nutrition journals can be found a large number of foods that are free of lactose. Milk and milk products contain very valuable nutrients and belong, for the majority of people, among the most important staple foods. Lactose intolerance sufferers do not have to extensively go without this nutrient supplier, because they can still fall back on milk and milk products if they comply with their personal tolerance level, whether only a little or no lactose is present.

Billy: How can one buying food, for example, recognise whether a product contains a lot of trans fats?

Ptaah: If a product contains a lot of fat and has a long shelf life, then that is, as a rule, a sign that many trans fats are included.

Billy: Therefore, the HDL cholesterol is good and protects the arteries from the damaging LDL cholesterol. This LDL cholesterol thus increasingly accumulates within the blood vessels and thus leads to hardening of the arteries, that is to say, arteriosclerosis. And if this is furthered early, then this thereby increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Ptaah: It can also greatly impair the health of pregnant women, leading to miscarriages and stillbirths, as well leading to damaging the health of the baby. But basically all human beings are at risk, but especially those prone to atherosclerosis; but also human beings who have a high risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, allergies, and so forth.

Billy: You also mentioned the children.

Ptaah: Right, because an especially great danger exists for them, because due to poor nutrition they succumb to obesity, indeed, especially through partially or fully saturated fatty acids and also in relation to the consciousness, as concentration becomes impaired. They become overweight and also have problems with concentration related to consciousness. As an example: a 5 to 6 year old child should not consume more than 1.5 grams of trans fats a day. But if that child ate a slice of bread for breakfast with some margarine and ate a portion of cottage cheese before lunch, then consumed chips and a donut and in the afternoon consumed half a package of chocolate biscuits and in the evening consumed processed vanilla pudding, he has already ingested the insane amount of 6.5 grams of trans fatty acids.

Billy: What is actually to be understood regarding partly or wholly solidified [hydrogenated] fats, that is to say, trans fats?

Ptaah: The fats are artificially added in the state of so-called hardening [curing]. In other words, this means that the fats are artificially hardened, whereby the fats are obtained, through a chemical intervention, from plant and fish oils. Basically, the fatty acids occur in the food according to their chemical structure, split into the two groups, being saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The chemically treated, and therefore saturated, fatty acids can be divided into short, medium and long chains, while the unsaturated fatty acids are referred to as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.

Billy: And why are they cured? I do not understand, when the hardened trans fats are indeed so damaging to health.

Ptaah: The matter is quite simple, because, by means of the so-called hardening of fats, the corresponding foods last much longer and do not go rancid. In addition, trans fats are cheap, which has great profitable benefits for the manufacturer. But for the human beings who eat these trans fats, the whole thing is very bad, because of all the fats, it is these which evoke the most health damage in human beings. But there are trans fats in nature, for example, in ruminants, and for example, in the fat from cattle, for which the trans-fatty acids are formed by bacteria in the rumen. Also, calves, sheep and goats, and so forth, are biochemically natural trans fatty acid producers, whereby these trans fatty acids are of an entirely different nature and are absolutely harmless to health.

Billy: But Sfath, your father, said that both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids from plants and animals are necessary for human nutrition. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are throughout our food. He also spoke of butter and lactic acid, which are very valuable if the human beings have the necessary enzyme production for these foods.

Ptaah: That is right, but with high-fat foods and their enjoyment, a healthy amount is always a requirement. However, in a healthy diet, both saturated and unsaturated vegetable and animal fats are permitted. A unique feature of animal products is the milk fat, because this has an unusually rich spectrum of very valuable fatty acids, for which reason its composition is quite ideal, whereby, however, its compatibility should be considered, since in certain people the necessary corresponding enzyme production is lacking, in order to make milk and milk products tolerable. If this enzyme production is deficient, then milk and milk products are not recommended and, under certain circumstances, may be very harmful to health.

Billy: And which fats can now be described as healthier, it is vegetable or animal?

Ptaah: Vegetable fats are the most valuable because they contain more unsaturated fatty acids, while animal fats exhibit more saturated. The origin of the fat is therefore decisive, whereby, however, all edible fats contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The highest quality fats are contained in natural butter and cold-pressed vegetable oils such as rapeseed [canola] and in nuts.

Billy: It is often asserted that milk and milk products are generally harmful, therefore also the lactic acids.

Ptaah: For many human beings - children and adults - milk and dairy products are more or less harmful to health, but this cannot be generalised. The harmfulness only applies to human beings whose enzyme production, in relation to their ability to digest milk and dairy products, is more or less deficient or even completely absent.

Billy: We have already once spoken about milk and dairy products being harmful, indeed, especially from cows, but you have given no further explanation about it. Quetzal and I also had a conversation once in this regard. Therefore, the matter looks somewhat different if the enzyme production necessary for digestion is absent or lacking.

Ptaah: Yes, we talked about it, but it is a long time ago. In fact, we did not addressed enzyme production in relation to the compatibility of milk and milk products.(See the 216th contact conversation of March 16th, 1987, sentence 127; the 217th contact conversation of May 8th, 1987, from sentence 30, the 401st contact conversation of April 24th, 2001, from sentence 60, the 326th contact conversation of April 15th, 2002, from sentence 56, the 447th contact conversation on 20 April 2007, from sentence 38.)

Billy: That only vegetable fats are healthy, especially since many of these contain unsaturated fatty acids - therefore that is not quite so.

Ptaah: That is really not quite so. For example, despite their vegetable origins, coconut butter and palm oil contain the most saturated fat of all foods. Therefore, vegetable fats cannot simply be regarded as healthy, because there are also various saturated fats among these.

Billy: But milk fat contains many healthy fatty acids, consequently, it is healthy. Where are all the places it occurs?

Ptaah: It primarily occurs in milk and butter, as well as in cheese and other milk products. Milk fat is a very special fat, because, in its composition, it is similar to neither vegetable oils or animal fats. Overall, milk fat contains practically all saturated, unsaturated, short, medium, and long-chain fatty acids. In total, there are over 400 different types of fatty acid, in a way that no other food exhibits. With this rich diversity of fatty acids, milk fat is ideally tailored to human requirements. Some fatty acids have an especially positive effect with regard to health. For example, the short-chain butyric acid, which is found almost exclusively in milk fat, has big anti-cancer effects, in particular the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer is reduced. Milk fat also means no cholesterol danger. On the other hand, it lowers the risk of heart attack. The saturated fatty acids in milk have very diverse effects on cholesterol levels, whereby, however, seen as a whole, they have no elevating effect on the state of the level of cholesterol.

Billy: Thanks for your important explanations. That should actually be sufficient and make everything clear. But that which now interests me: with your help, in the Himalayan region, it was indeed possible for me to twice see a Yeti, which had a size of about 3 meters and represented the most distant descendants of the large anthropoid apes, whose distant ancestor, 60 to 75 million years ago became largely extinct, as I was told, as a result the effect of the eruption of the Tobo super-volcanic in Sumatra. I do not remember the designation of this giant ape, which you certainly can name for me, but that which interests me is whether the legendary Bigfoot in America, the Sasquatch in Canada and in the South of the USA and also similar sighted beings are the most distant descendants of the giant anthropoid apes?

Ptaah: This is actually the case, because small populations of the hominid Gigantopithecus giganteus, as they are called in terrestrial palaeontology, survived in northern India, Pakistan, Tibet as well as in the north and south of the United States. There were natural disasters between 7 and 9 million years ago, through which, once again a decimation of these anthropoid ape beings occurred, as well as around 100,000 years ago. Then only just before 75,000 years ago, the Tobo super-volcano erupted in Sumatra and generated a global climate catastrophe and climate upheaval, through which, over a period of ten years, many forms of life became extinct. The genus Gigantopithecus giganteus was also decimated, yet smaller populations of actual giant apes, as well as a few subspecies, survived in various places. And some of the smallest very isolated groups, from those few populations which live in the areas you mentioned, have survived up to the present day. Only in the really very smallest isolated groups of human-like upright-walking ape creatures, the so-called Yeti, Bigfoot and Sasquatch still exist today.

Billy: Thank you. Then this is also said clearly once. And with your help since I myself could see such beings twice, I can also say that these creatures, very hairy all over, really are human-looking and ape-looking and have nothing to do with big bears, in contradiction to the Austrian mountaineer Reinhold Messner’s loudmouthed claims.

Ptaah: The man is very taken with himself, makes himself important and believes himself to be bigger and more important than he really is.

Billy: Thud. - But see here, I have copied out the 543rd Contact conversation of August 4th, 2012:


... But what is there actually to say about fruit sugar [fruchtose], which is praised so much with regard to the fact that it is supposed to be so good for losing body weight? Because of my body weight, it is just as you predicted, in that it namely does not continue to decrease, but always fluctuates around about 80 kilograms, although I eat very sparingly. Should I make sure that I take only those sweet dishes which contain fruit sugar, instead of granulated white sugar? Would that eventually reduce the weight even slightly?


You are misinformed. Fructose is not suitable for weight loss, because it results in even faster and more excessive weight gain than refined white sugar. The claim that fructose has less impact on an increase in relation to the body weight, corresponds to an error.


Aha. That is unpleasant. Therefore, much nonsense is uttered in this respect. ...

In addition I have another question, since you mentioned, later after this conversation, that there was more to mention regarding the harmfulness of fructose as well as other forms of sugar. Can you please say something about it again?

Ptaah: Of course. Fructose does not only promote weight gain to the point of obesity, rather also high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer, as well as diabetes. In this regard, it must be said that insulin is responsible for that because it animates the cells to take up much sugar, whereby then various cancers are triggered. But this also means that types of sugar other than fructose are harmful in the same way, whereby, however, this specifically occurs when the sugar indulgence is pathological, as expressed in relation to the consumption of sweets and overly sugared drinks, which, as a rule leads to adipositas, as well as the fatty degeneration of the liver, consequently it will no longer work fully effective. But basically, it is also true that, by way of fructose and other sugars, if too much of it consumed, molecular alterations in the brain take place. However, this is, on the one hand, dependent on the type and amount of sugar, but, on the other hand, also on the metabolism, and so forth, of the human being.

Billy: I have understood that. But that thingy - that physical adipositas, or however you said it - I do not understand. What is that? I have never heard the word, but in spite of that, it seems to me vaguely familiar, perhaps from Latin?

Ptaah: Adipositas is the Latin medical term for obesity.

Billy: Aha. Got it. Thank you for the lesson.

Translator's Notes

  • This preliminary text, subject to revisions, will almost certainly contain errors, due to it being a translation of an entire FIGU Special Bulletin, which was published on January 6th, 2013, for its special timely value. Also for this reason, this translation is being uniquely made available now as an unchecked draft, and therefore cannot (yet) be regarded as an "official" FIGU translation until such time as it can be authorised as such and corrected by FIGU Landesgruppe Australia, Inc. officers. Please see
  • The excerpt from Volume 11, page 422, sentences 135-139 was translated by Christian Frehner on October 21st, 2009, for Michael Horn, and is taken from
  • Other brief sections of this translation were taken from previous work here: and here:
