Talk:Stan Fullham

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Revision as of 16:29, 24 February 2011 by Derrick (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Derrick - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on Stan Fullham <comments />

Markvd said ...

That would be interesting. They said they had around 23 billion population and there air quality greatly diminished. I'm guessing if someone sneezed when sick they would have to close down the entire block for quarantine if they had blocks.:) I heard today by 2050 we would be nearing the 9-10 billion range on Earth. That should be a goal that we should not achieve. It seems the countries without the most educated people are the major ones that are growing fastest and have wealthy leaders atop there perch still not advising the populace on how to maintain order. You have great wealth add balance by at least giving people clean air for future generations. We need to change the system of growth population and change the system of progress in terms of wealth so it doesn't blind people easily to more important matters. Every country will say money makes the world go around and there is validity in that phrase. If perfected system of money is designed unlike the current clumsy corruptable version Earth will be better off eventually.

--Markvd 04:06, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Derrick said ...

[edit] 35th Contact Date of contact: Tuesday, 16 September 1975 19:14 This is an excerpt of the entire contact report


The next inhabited system is around five lightyears away from Earth. 998/Different worlds in that system are inhabited by human forms of life, who differ little from your races. 999/In their development they are some years in advance of that of the Earth human beings, spiritually as well as technologically. 1001/They have already achieved space-flight in primitive form, and also do visit Earth. 1002/Because their cosmic flight capabilities are very lim­ited, they depend on assistance stations. 1003/Mid-way be­tween their world and Earth, they have constructed a space station, which you can see far outside in space there... (pointing to screen). 1004/They need such stations because they are still unable to launch their ships over large dis­tances. 1005/Also, connected to their space-flight now, is severe body pain, from which they narcotise themselves for longer journeys in the cosmos. 1006/Besides the other races of these worlds, this one race comes often to Earth. 1007/This is because their homeworld, which is no greater than Earth herself, suffers from overcrowding, and needs huge quantities of food. 1008/For this reason, beings from that planet, called "Akart", come to Earth often to collect there plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish their 23 billion population. 1010/They are mostly satisfied with taking seeds of fruits, grains and vegetables, and also plant stocks, to set out on Akart to grow there. 1011/They collect more useable nourishments on other (less populated) worlds which they also visit often and periodically. 1012/In themselves, these forms are of rather peaceful character, and have had to suffer much in the last centuries. 1013/Today they live under a dictatorship, as you would call it, by which they have relatively better living conditions. 1014/Their great problem is their severe overcrowding, which they could relieve by emigration, but their technologies have not solved space transportation on sufficient scale to be of any help.


That is a lot, but do other creatures in that sys­tem also come to Earth, and why don't they assist that over-populated planet?


1016/The others come there and also to Earth, but this occurs rather seldom. 1017/The reason they do not assist the overcrowded race, is that these creatures have not proceeded far enough in their development or their improvement to offer them greater technical and spiritual help. 1018/These humans are still too much caught up in the ma­terial and worldly things, and are not allowed access to

--Derrick 16:29, 24 February 2011 (UTC)