Talk:FIGU Special Bulletin 49

From Hinaharap ng sangkatauhan
Revision as of 15:10, 11 July 2010 by Neckel (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Neckel - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on FIGU Special Bulletin 49 <comments />

[email protected] said ...

I agree with what Ptaah says about music. I would only like to know which kind of a truly harmonic music are nowadays to be found. Because many old people who used to make harmonic music have passed away(death). The new youth do not have knowledge or understanding the meaning of harmonic music and what effect it has on human being of this earth. Harmonic music can influence positivly the proces of meditation and ect. I would like to ask Billy if Ptaah could give more information on which harmonic music is the best to be listen to. Peace, harmony and love be to all.

[email protected] 15:16, 11 July 2010 (BST)

Neckel said ...

Salome Alex,

I can only agree with your words.

In the contact notes they refer to classic (Bethoven, Nabucco, ect) music as harmonious and that there are also harmonious songs in various other music directions (techno, rock, pop, altrnative, trip hop, jazz and blues ect...). As far as i know, in general "hip-hop" (there are a few exceptions though), trash mainstream pop (this "lalala ooooh boy, kiss stuff") and "death/heavy metal" are not harmonious at all. As far as i kow from a friend, harmonious music is defined as a music where notes/tones are played in a sequence where they have to be close together and do not vary more than 1/2 tone from each other.

There is still harmonious music produced, but it becomes more and more an exception:

Peace and wisdom me also be with you.

--Neckel 16:10, 11 July 2010 (BST)