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''By Stephen Moore
''By Stephen Moore''
9th February 2010
''9th February 2010''
Revision by Nicolas Weis
''Revision by Nicolas Weis''
Note: These are not the words of Billy or FIGU but the words of one mans thoughts from which are based from some of the teaching/texts from Billy and FIGU''
Note: These are not the words of Billy or FIGU but the words of one mans thoughts from which are based from some of the teaching/texts from Billy and FIGU''

Revision as of 11:49, 11 February 2010

All around the world there are many beliefs and ideologies that persons conform their lives and consciousness too. Beliefs in a god or a saviour of various kinds are present in all cultures and countries. These beliefs in a god or saviour and their respective teachings promote to the Earth human that they should place trust onto them, the god or saviour. This trust takes form of making the god or saviour responsible for the Earth human with whatever the human thinks and does. Through the use of commandments in teachings fear is planted into the human and that he shall place his/her responsibility onto the god or saviour to protect him/herself from irresponsibility in the eyes of the god or saviour. Judgement awaits any human that does not conform to the commandments that are given in god and saviour teachings. Through ideologies based on god or saviour teachings responsibility is placed onto the god or saviour. Ideologies of the thought that heaven waits any human who lives by placing him/her self in the hands of a god or saviour are completely incorrect towards self responsibility. Through your own thoughts you have created many ideologies of judgement through the responsibility of a god or saviour for the deeds you have done in your life. The ideology that your spirit will be judged worthy to enter a kingdom after your death by a god or saviour takes away your own responsibility for doing what is right and for good in your life and for all life. You are responsible for creating ideologies and following ideologies because you are responsible for your own thoughts. Thus by believing in a god or saviour ideology that a god or saviour will judge you is your responsibility and you are responsible for giving away your own self responsibility to an ideology of judgement by a god or saviour.

Through the belief that a god or saviour is responsible for your lives comes much disharmony, irrational thinking and irrational behaviour. You are not in command of your lives and throw your thinking and behaviour into the hands of a god or saviour. When you think or do something irrational then you ask for forgiveness to a god or saviour. This forgiveness is in fear of the responsibility that has been placed onto the god or saviour to which the god or saviour uses this responsibly to judge you and be responsible for your thoughts and actions.

This however is where Earth humans have gone wrong. You have allowed yourselves to be taken away from your own responsibility for your lives, thoughts and actions. There is no god or saviour, neither for this planet nor any other planet in the universe, that is responsible for your thoughts and actions and indeed that will punish you for your mistakes. Earth humans are responsible for their own thoughts and actions whether they are positive or negative. By taking back your responsibility from the belief in a god or saviour you can then start to understand that it is you, human beings, which are in command of your lives, thoughts and actions. Being self responsible for yourselves and what you think and do has many benefits, not only to your own learning and understanding but also to other human beings and life itself.

By taking responsibility for your own thoughts and actions a natural learning process comes about. Learning naturally comes about by cognitions, realisations, monitoring of thoughts and thinking about consequences. This requires that a human being be responsible for learning his/her thoughts and progressing his/her thoughts towards natural learning and growth within the human being. By being responsible for this you are thereby taking responsibility for your thoughts and what you can learn from them by learning the correct feelings and actions your thoughts create within yourself. If you do not take responsibility for your thoughts and learning the correct feelings and actions then you are limited in your natural learning and will continue to remain ignorant in regards to the feelings and actions you create. Natural learning therefore happens naturally once you take responsibility for your thoughts and what feelings and actions you undertake. If you create the wrong feelings and actions then you can learn from those wrong feelings and actions. Thus you naturally develop, through self responsibility, the correct feelings and actions based on the wrong feelings and actions of previous thoughts of a similar kind.

If you do something which is negative towards another human or another life form then you are solely responsible for your thoughts and actions. No god or saviour is responsible for what you thought or did through your actions. The thought came from within yourselves and your actions were a result of the thoughts. Therefore you are solely responsible. By recognising that you are solely responsibly there is a possibility to learn from your thoughts and actions. By recognising what you did was a mistake or wrong towards another human being or life form and that it was you who was solely responsible. This way a human can learn from the mistake or wrong doing and take responsibility to change his/her thoughts and the actions that arise from the thoughts. Thus a realisation can come about within the human that a mistake has been made and this needs to be corrected so no future mistake of this kind can take place. Thus the human is taking responsibility for him/her self and beginning self responsible.

Self responsibility is also taking responsibility for your own life and well being. No god or saviour is responsible for your life. No god or saviour will help you throughout your life. No god or saviour will guide you. No god or saviour will punish you. Your life is in your hands. How you live your life and the choices you make throughout your life is your responsibility as a human being. You are responsible for everything you think and do.

The choices you make for your life should be based on the responsibility you yourself undertake. You are responsible for your future. The choices you make for your future are your responsibility. If you choose not to take responsibility for your future or leave your future in the hands of belief, that a god or saviour will help you or save you, then you are not being self responsible, acting in self responsibility. Every day you make decisions and choose what you think and do which affects your future. There is no god or saviour that is giving you your thoughts or making you act in a certain way. You are responsible for your decisions and the choices you make as the decisions and choices you make come from within you. Thus you are responsible. If you make a bad decision or bad choice then you are responsible for this. No one else is responsible for what you think or the choices you make. No god or saviour will punish you for making a bad decision or bad choice in your everyday life.

If a bad decision or choice is made by you then it is your responsibility to think over the decision or choice. Taking responsibility for it and learning from it. Thus if a similar situation arises it is your responsibility to make a wiser decision or choice based on your previous learnt responsibility.

As you, the Earth human, are the dominant and highly intelligent species on Earth you are responsible for taking care of your planet. Through your thoughts and actions you are responsible for either preserving the planet or destroying the planet. No god or saviour is responsible for Earth. You as a human being are solely responsible for the care of your planet, which for the time being is your only home. Your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices you make on how to live your life affects the planet you live on. Therefore you are responsible for your planet. If through your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices you start to destroy your planet, the air, water, land, flora and fauna, then you are responsible for the degenerative actions and evil brought about on your planet. No god or saviour is making you destroy your planet and no god or saviour will help you from your own destruction. You are solely responsible.

Over the past few centuries you Earth Humans have disregarded your self responsibility and your responsibly for your planet, your only home. Through you irrational thoughts and actions, your greed, selfishness, wars, power hunger, loveless ness, beliefs, wrong doings, exploitation of Earth, overpopulation and ignorance of the appearance of nature in Creation, have turned your harmonious evolving planet into a disharmonious dying planet which only gets worse by your irresponsibility. You, the Earth human, is solely responsible for the destruction of your planet, your only home. You have trampled on everything which you, as human beings, are responsible for in regard to the health, care and welfare of your planet, your fellow human beings and all life. Therefore the benefit of good and preservation of all life and your planet. No god or saviour will help you out of the destruction you have placed upon yourselves through your irresponsibility and lack of self responsibility. You as an individual, who makes up one small part of humanity, must take responsibility for your planet by ways of your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices. You are solely responsible for changing your planet towards the better and good.

Self responsibility, being responsible for your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices is the key to a better life not only for you as an individual but also for all life and the planet you live on. There truly is no god or saviour and truly no one of this kind is going to help you throughout your life. You are solely responsible for everything you think and do, both in a positive and negative way. You must learn to control your thoughts and learn from your thoughts and change them towards being responsible for your life, all living creatures and your planet.

Self responsibility is in your hands.

By Stephen Moore 9th February 2010

Revision by Nicolas Weis

Note: These are not the words of Billy or FIGU but the words of one mans thoughts from which are based from some of the teaching/texts from Billy and FIGU